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Termdescription typeLanguage/acceptabilityLanguage/acceptabilityCase significance[
[Course] [Periods of life] [Process] [Morphology] of [Body structure] caused by [agent](finding)FSNus:Pgb:Pci
[Course] [Periods of life] [Process] [Morphology] of [Body structure]  caused by [agent]SYNus:Pgb:Pci

Concept model:

Definition status:  

900000000000073002 |Defined|

Applies To:

<<  131148009 | Bleeding (finding)|

Template language:

404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| : [[~0..1]] {[[~0..1]] 263502005 |Clinical course (attribute)|  = [[ +id (<  288524001 |Courses (qualifier value)|  ) @course]] }, [[~1..2 @rolegroup]]{ [[~1..1]]  116676008 |Associated morphology (attribute)| = [[+id(<<  50960005 |Hemorrhage (morphologic abnormality)|  ) @morphology ]], [[~0..1]]  363698007 |Finding site (attribute)|  = [[+id(<<  59820001 |Blood vessel structure (body structure)|  )]], [[~0..1]]  246454002|Occurrence (attribute)|  = [[ +id(<  282032007 |Periods of life (qualifier value)|  ) @occur]], [[~0..1]]  370135005 |Pathological process (attribute)|  = [[ +id ( <  308489006 |Pathological process (qualifier value)|  ) @proc]], [[~0..1]] 246075003 |Causative agent (attribute)|  = [[ +id (<  410607006 |Organism (organism)|  OR <  105590001 |Substance (substance)|  OR <  78621006 |Physical force (physical force)|  ) @agent]] }, [[~0..1]]{ [[~0..1]]  116676008 |Associated morphology (attribute)| = 37782003 |Damage (morphologic abnormality)|  ) }

Rules for description generation: 

  1. Apply General rules for generating descriptions for templates;
  2. Apply Enhancements for the Template Language;

JIRA ticket:

INFRA-4233 - Getting issue details... STATUS

1 Comment

  1. Hi Cathy Richardson you asked for a review here.   Watch your cardinality is consistent between the table and the STL.   We've got Finding Site as optional in the STL but mandatory in the table. 

    That additional optional Damage looks great though, no choice, no slot.    Ahh, you've got the back end of a slot without the start of it.   Delete all of  " ) @morphology ]] "

    That will remove the slot name so there's a potential problem that goes away there which, otherwise, would be this rule that slots that have the same name are expected to be the same thing.  So if that WAS a slot, you'd want to give it a different name from the other morphology slot, like @damageMorph