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Interim template to support QI work. Further work required on model. See:  IHTSDO-848 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Termdescription typeLanguage/acceptabilityLanguage/acceptabilityCase significance
[Morphology] of [Body structure] (disorder)FSNus:Pgb:Pci
[Morphology] of [Body structure] SYNus:Pgb:Pci

Concept model:

Definition status:  

900000000000073002 |Defined|

Applies To:

<<  125670008 | Foreign body (disorder)|

Template Language

64572001 |Disease (disorder)| : [[~1..1]] { [[~1..1]]  116676008 |Associated morphology (attribute)|  = [[ +id( <<  19227008 |Foreign body (morphologic abnormality)|  ) @morph]], [[~0..1]]  363698007 |Finding site (attribute)|  = [[ +id( <  123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| ) ]] }

Link to the misaligned concept report:

Rules for description generation: 

  1. Apply General rules for generating descriptions for templates;

JIRA ticket:

INFRA-3464 - Getting issue details... STATUS

QI-194 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  1. I think I'd like to take the slot name out of the Pathological Process because it's not a slot - the user has no option about what value goes in there, it's always going to be 441862004 |Infectious process (qualifier value)| - "hard coded" we might say in programming circles.    The causative agent could use one however. 

    1. Peter G. Williams , it may be premature (or not) to do that.  We are talking in the ECE and EAG about expanding the PATHOLOGICAL PROCESS range to include new values (such as mechanical trauma) that might be applicable at a later date.  However, if we have the ability to modify this template later when these changes come, then I am probably being a bti too cautious.

      1. Hi Jim Case    Yes it will be no problem to add a slot name at the same time as the "<<" is added to the attribute value.   

  2. Yongsheng Gao Would you please review this template. I have removed the infectious process and causative agent from the template given we have this template: Complication due to disease/procedure(disorder) - for review. In addition many of the current infected foreign body concepts include  "without major open wound" and so are slated for movement to situations. Thanks, Cathy. 

  3. Cathy Richardson , as discussed, the revision of concept model by causative agent = << |Physical object| needs to be tested. The corespondent physical objects need to be created if they are not covered yet.  There are about 417 concepts that are modelled by these subtype of foreign body morphologies. Could you please clarify if this is going to be addressed in this QI task or not? 

  4. Yongsheng Gao No, this isn't going to be part of the QI. It's too big a work item. See comment from the 13th Feb on this tracker  QI-86 - Getting issue details... STATUS . Basically this is an interim template to support the QI work. 

  5. Cathy Richardson  Thanks for confirming. We discussed this at the QI meeting. Jim confirmed that modelling by physical objects is out of the scope for QI. The template is ready for implementation.