Page tree

StatusReady for implementation



Termdescription typeLanguage/acceptabilityLanguage/acceptabilityCase significance

[course] [morphology] of [body structure] (finding)


[course][morphology] of [body structure]


Concept model:

Definition status:  

900000000000073002 |Defined|

Applies to

<< 247441003 |Erythema (finding)|

Template Language

Link to the misaligned concept report

Rules for generating descriptions:

  1. Apply General rules for generating descriptions for templates
  2. Apply Enhancements for the Template Language;

Jira ticket:

QI-238 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  1. Hi Suzanne Santamaria, I would prefer to exclude the associated morphology. However, it is not possible to have a role group with single attribute at the moment. This will be changed when we start the authoring in May. I copied the link to the misaligned concept report. We could remove the associated morphology and mark it as Ready for Implementation in the SCA after you have addressed misaligned concepts. Please let me know your thought. Cheers, Yong

    1. Hi Yongsheng Gao, I want to make sure I understand what you are proposing. Are you suggesting we use this template as is for the current QI project tasks (running misaligned concepts, normalization, etc.) for the clinical finding concepts? Then when that is finished we will remove the associated morphology row from this template and mark the template as ready for implementation?

      1. Hi Suzanne Santamaria , yes, it is my intention. The purpose is to enable the QI reporting due to the current limitation. Then, we will only allow authoring new concept in the SCA by finding site and clinical course. The morphology does not fit well for clinical finding with respect to the observable results. 

        1. Yongsheng Gao , thanks. Should we also tell Peter to exclude all disorder concepts from the work in this subhierarchy? So the misaligned concepts and normalization, etc. only happens on findings concepts in this subhierarchy?

          1. Hi STEFAN SCHULZ, that is a very good point. Please do.

            1. Yongsheng Gao , we have finished the misaligned concepts and normalization for the erythema finding concepts in this subhierarchy. Can you please make the final edits on the template as needed and mark the template "For implementation?'



  2. Hi Suzanne Santamaria , I have updated the template. If you are happy with the changes, I will raise the JIRA ticket for the implementation for template service. Cheers, Yong

    1. Hi Yongsheng Gao, is the definition status still accurate?

      1. Hi Suzanne Santamaria , it will require more changes to the current content which is beyond the scope for the QI project. Let's keep the morphology as they are until we get input from clinical experts. Cheers, Yong