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Termdescription typeLanguage/acceptabilityLanguage/acceptabilityCase significance
[course] congenital [morphology] of [body structure] caused by [agent] (disorder)FSNus:Pgb:Pci
[course] congenital [morphology] of [body structure] caused by [agent]SYNus:Pgb:Pci

Concept model:

Definition status:  

900000000000073002 |Defined|  

Applies to:

<<  276655000 |Congenital deformity (disorder)|

Template Language:

64572001 |Disease (disorder)|  : [[~0..1]]  263502005 |Clinical course (attribute)|  = [[ +id (<  288524001 |Courses (qualifier value)|  ) @course]], [[~1..1 @rolegroup]]{ [[~1..1]]  116676008 |Associated morphology (attribute)|  = [[+id(<<  6081001 |Deformity (morphologic abnormality)|  ) @morphology ]], [[~0..1]]  363698007 |Finding site (attribute)|  = [[+id(<  123037004 |Body structure (body structure)|  )]], [[~1..1]]  246454002 |Occurrence (attribute)|  =  255399007 |Congenital (qualifier value)|  , [[~1..1]]  370135005 |Pathological process (attribute)|  = [[ +id ( <<  308490002 |Pathological developmental process (qualifier value)|  ) @proc]], [[~0..1]]  246075003 |Causative agent (attribute)|  = [[ +id (<  410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR <  105590001 |Substance (substance)|  OR  <  78621006 |Physical force (physical force)| ) @agent]] }

Link to the misaligned concept report

Simple single role group -   62 misalignments

Simple multiple role groups -    40 misalignments

Rules for description generation:

  1. Apply General rules for generating descriptions for templates;
  2. Apply Enhancements for the Template Language;

JIRA ticket:

QI-276 - Getting issue details... STATUS

INFRA-3493 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Replaced by:


  1. Suzanne Santamaria  please see the comments for deformity regarding the range of causative agent and optional attributes for interprets. 

    1. Hi Yongsheng Gao, based on your feedback and discussion during the Internal Editors call I have removed the Interpret attribute from this template. I have also updated the range for Causative agent attribute to include physical force.



  2. Thanks Suzanne Santamaria , I have added two reports. The report with multiple role groups has fewer misalignments. However, it potentially has some crossovers. If you can have a look and decide which one you would like to work on.  So, we can decide the cardinality for the role group. Cheers, Yong

    1. Yongsheng Gao let's go with the single role group cardinality. Thanks, Suzanne

      1. Yongsheng Gao I believe this template is ready for implementation then?

        1. Suzanne Santamaria , I updated the status and created the JIRA ticket for technical implementation. Cheers, Yong

  3. Hi Suzanne Santamaria, we have received feedback from the Genomics work. They would like to reuse this template. For their use cases, the restriction on the morphology needs to include 'abnormal shape' which is a super-concept of deformity. 

    I know you have completed the QI project for this subject area. The ECL query shows that the coverage differences is about 171 concepts. <<64572001 |Disease (disorder)|: 116676008 |Associated morphology (attribute)| = (<< 399984000|Abnormal shape (morphologic abnormality)| MINUS << 6081001 |Deformity (morphologic abnormality)|) It means that you will need to review these 171 concepts and check their alignment to the updated template.

    Since this template has not been implemented in the authoring platform yet, would it be possible that you can update this template to Congenital [abnormal shape] of [body structure] and include the additional review as a new task for your QI project?

  4. Yongsheng Gao and Suzanne Santamaria ,

    The request from AU WRT the range of value for ASSOCIATED MORPHOLOGY began at the top 49755003 |Morphologically abnormal structure (morphologic abnormality)|.  This would generalize this template to all Congenital anomalies, not just deformities.  If we are going to restrict it to only << 399984000|Abnormal shape (morphologic abnormality)|, then that would be more specialized, but maybe we do not need a number of templates to represent congenital abnormalities.  Thoughts?

    1. Yongsheng Gao , I would be happy to review the 171 concepts and change the template if we go that route. However I tend to agree with Jim Case in that I don't see an advantage of having multiple subtype templates of Congenital morphology of body structure if there are no appreciable differences between them. Perhaps we remove the two sub templates and ask the Genomics group to use the existing Congenital morphology of body structure template. We could update the causative agent value in it to include physical force and add in an optional due to as Jim has suggested.

      1. Agreed, I added my comments in the Conditional disorder template.