Page tree

StatusIn PROD



Termdescription typeLanguage/acceptabilityLangauge/acceptabilityCase significance

[Procedure] of [body structure] using computed tomography guidance (procedure)

CT guided [procedure] of [body structure]PTus:Pgb:PCS
[Procedure] of [body structure] using computed tomography guidanceSYNus:Agb:Aci

Concept model:

Definition status:  

900000000000073002 |Defined (core metadata concept)|

Applies to:

258176004 |Computerized tomography guidance (procedure)|

Rules for description generation:

  1. Remove the semantic tag, e.g. (body structure)
  2. Remove 'Structure of' from [body structure] if term starts with 'Structure of'   e.g. 709530002|Structure of phalanx of hand (body structure)|
  3. Remove 'structure' from [body structure] if term contains 'structure', e.g. 69536005|Head structure (body structure)|   24097009|Bone structure of hand (body structure)|.


  1. For this template we are using the "slot reference" feature in template language to ensure that the same [body structure] is used in both groups.

  2. Thanks Kai Kewley, that is great! 

  3. How should I interpret these templates?

    Specifically, this template is marked as "In PROD", but if I run a query over

    << 71388002|Procedure| : ({
        260686004|Method| = 312251004|Computed tomography imaging - action|,
        405813007|Procedure site - Direct| = << 442083009|Anatomical or acquired body structure|,
        363703001|Has intent| = 429892002|Guidance intent|
      }, {
        260686004|Method| = < 129264002|Action|,
        << 363704007|Procedure site| = << 442083009|Anatomical or acquired body structure|

    there are 151 matches, but if compare the results to those from 

    < 258176004|Computerised tomography guidance|

    there are 41 additional concepts.

    Is it the case that all concepts in scope of the "Applies to" MUST match the template? Or, is it more that they're only "in scope" for the template?

    If it's the latter, then why << 71388002|Procedure| as the focus of the template and not < 258176004|Computerised tomography guidance| ?

    1. Hi Michael Lawley, the procedure site is optional for some high-level concepts that do not specify procedure site, e.g. CT guided biopsy. The following ECL query will match all returns from << 258176004|Computerized tomography guidance (procedure)|

      << 71388002|Procedure| : ({
      260686004|Method| = 312251004|Computed tomography imaging - action|,
      [0..1]405813007|Procedure site - Direct| = << 442083009|Anatomical or acquired body structure|,
      363703001|Has intent| = 429892002|Guidance intent|
      }, {
      260686004|Method| = < 129264002|Action|,
      [0..1]<< 363704007|Procedure site| = << 442083009|Anatomical or acquired body structure|

      The |Procedure| is the focus concept of the template because we follow the proximal primitive parent modeling style. All new concepts generated by this template will use |Procedure| as the focus concept. The template can also be useed to convert the existing concepts to the proximal primitive parent modeling style. We have applied the conversion using templates for clinical finding hierarchy in the QI project.

  4. Yongsheng Gao Jim CaseLooking for clarification please.

    Do we expect that these guided procedures: bx, aspiration, drainage, skin marking etc. of body site will classify as CT of body structure as well e.g. 

    709546005 |Aspiration of kidney using computed tomography guidance (procedure)| as a subtype of 55501000 |Computerized axial tomography of kidney (procedure)|

    Note: confusing as we also have:

    417911000 |Computed tomography and aspiration of chest (procedure)| - This may stand alone if we are agreeing this is 2 procedures i.e. 1. Guided thoracentesis; 2. Guided thorancentesis PLUS CT of thorax?

    The 3 below are to my mind synomous and plan to inactivate 2 of these.

    709787009 |Thoracentesis using computed tomography guidance (procedure)|

    16551341000119105 |Puncture aspiration of lung using computed tomography guidance (procedure)|

    440497001 |Percutaneous aspiration of thorax using computed tomography guidance (procedure)|

  5. Monica Harry,

    IMHO the most imprecise of the four terms you have there is  417911000 |Computed tomography and aspiration of chest (procedure)|.  I could mean CT guided or not.  I do not think 16551341000119105 |Puncture aspiration of lung using computed tomography guidance (procedure)| means the same as the other three as it refers specifically to the lung, not to the thoracic cavity.  The most precise of the remaining three seems to be 709787009 |Thoracentesis using computed tomography guidance (procedure)|.  I would add "Percutaneous aspiration of thorax using computed tomography guidance" as a synonym and inactivate 417911000 |Computed tomography and aspiration of chest (procedure)| as ambiguous to CT of chest, thoracocentesis and 709787009.

    A more complicated issue is the one around whether CT guidance should be a subtype of CT of body structure.  It appears we do not have too many specific organ aspirations and we are visualizing the organ using CT, so my initial thought is it does no harm to classify as a CT of the organ.

    1. Thanks Jim, I was trying to recall a decision or discussion wherein we said not to classify CT guided as CT of X body structure but I might be imagining that. It makes sense to me that CT guided does result in a CT of a body structure. I am going to investigate the Puncture aspiration of lung further.