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General notes:

Types of part of attributes can be found in the Editorial Guide chapter 4. Part of relationships (under development)

Laterality' attribute is optional and is only applicable for an anatomical entity that is lateralizable, e.g. limb, hand. More information can be found in the Editorial Guide chapter  5. Laterality

Concept in the square brackets [ ] should be replaced by other concept for new model. 

Entire named body region:

For example, 'Entire hand' can be modelled as following. The primitive concept 'entire hand' region is defined by the nearest broader region, 'entire wrist and hand'. 

SubClass Of:

'Entire body region (body structure)'
and ('Regional part of (attribute)' some '[Entire wrist and hand] (body structure)')
and ('Laterality (attribute)' some 'Side (qualifier value)')

Structure of named body region:

Equivalent To:

'Body structure (body structure)'
and ('All or part of (attribute)' some '[Entire hand] (body structure)')
and ('Laterality (attribute)' some 'Side (qualifier value)')

The combined body regions, e.g. 'wrist and hand', should follow the same modelling pattern as the above. e.g. the value of regional part of is 'free upper limb'.

Entire skin of [body region]:

For example, 'Entire skin of hand' can be modelled as following.  [Entire hand] can be replaced by other body region. 

Equivalent To:

'Material anatomical entity (body structure)'
and ('Regional part of (attribute)' some 'Entire skin (body structure)')
and ('Constitutional part of (attribute)' some '[Entire hand] (body structure)')
and ('Laterality (attribute)' some 'Side (qualifier value)')

Skin structure of [body region]:

For example, 'Skin structure of hand' can be modelled as following. [Entire skin of hand] can be replaced by any other entire skin of a region.  The additional GCI axiom is needed, and [Entire hand] region can be replaced by other body region.

Equivalent To:

'Body structure (body structure)'
and ('All or part of (attribute)' some '[Entire skin of hand] (body structure)')
and ('Laterality (attribute)' some 'Side (qualifier value)')

General class axioms:

'Body structure (body structure)'
and ('All or part of (attribute)' some 'Entire skin (body structure)')
and ('All or part of (attribute)' some '[Entire hand] (body structure)')
and ('Laterality (attribute)' some 'Side (qualifier value)')
SubClassOf '[Skin structure of hand] (body structure)'

Skin structure of part of [body region]:

For example, 'Skin structure of part of hand' can be modelled as following. The nested expression for part of body region is not supported in the normal axioms. This requires a GCI axiom to cover the nested expression e.g. (All or part of some (regional part of some entire hand)).

Equivalent To:

'Body structure (body structure)'
and ('Proper part of (attribute)' some 'Entire skin (body structure)')
and ('Regional part of (attribute)' some '[Entire hand] (body structure)')
and ('Laterality (attribute)' some 'Side (qualifier value)')

General class axioms:

'Body structure (body structure)'
and ('All or part of (attribute)' some 'Entire skin (body structure)')
and ('All or part of (attribute)' some ('Regional part of (attribute)' some '[Entire hand] (body structure)'))
and ('Laterality (attribute)' some 'Side (qualifier value)')
SubClassOf '[Skin structure of part of hand] (body structure)'

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