Page tree

StatusReady for implementation



Termdescription typeLanguage/acceptabilityLangauge/acceptabilityCase significance

[technique] quantity of intake of [substance] via [route] in [timeframe] (observable entity)

[technique] quantity of intake of [substance] via [route] in [timeframe]PTUS:PTGB:PTci

Concept model:

Definition status:  

900000000000073002 |Sufficiently defined concept definition status (core metadata concept)|

Applies to:

364393001 |Nutritional observable (observable entity)|

(When checking current content for QI project, narrow query to: << 226321006 |Amino acid intake (observable entity)|  OR << 788472008 |Carbohydrate intake (observable entity)|  OR << 792882006 |Estimated intake of protein and protein derivative in 24 hours (observable entity)|  OR << 226354008 |Water intake (observable entity)|  OR  788662004 |Estimated intake of niacin in 24 hours (observable entity)|  OR << 870372004 |Fat and oil intake (observable entity)|  OR << 226352007 |Mineral intake (observable entity)|  OR << 226349004 |Vitamin intake (observable entity)|

Template Language:

Link to the misaligned concept report:

Rules for description generation:

  1. Apply General rules for generating descriptions for templates;
  2. Remove "technique" from [technique] and change to past tense e.g "Estimation technique" should be "Estimated", "Measurement technique" should be "Measured"
  3. Remove "administration of substance via" from characterizes target e.g. "Administration of substance via oral route" should be "oral route"

JIRA ticket:

ATF-1645 - Getting issue details... STATUS

INFRA-7387 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  1. Penni Hernandez , I think it might be useful to relax the cardinality for some attributes. Then, this template can be used for general Nutrient intake (observable). The cardinality could be changed to 0..1 as optional for the following attributes:

    |Procuess duration| - without it, the template will allow modeling many intake concepts without specifying a duration. When duration is needed, it will also allow different durations for modelling.

    |Technique| - This can be optional because not all observables have specified a technique. 

    Role group number can be 0 for all attributes. This is the current approach and the authoring platform will convert them as self-grouped attributes in OWL expression. The other option is to assign the number 1 - 6 for each self-grouped attribute ( each role group only has one attribute). This is the rule for role group number in the inferred relationship file in the July 2019 release. I am waiting for the version 5 new authoring platform before we make changes to templates. 

    364393001 |Nutritional observable (observable entity)| as the PPP is fine if the 'primitive' concepts under it and above X intake in 24 hours have been modelled as 'defined'. 

    There is a potential complexity about defining nutrient. Would it be a substance? Would a nutrient be a characteristic or role of a substance? Or would it be a substance in a product which plays a role for nutrition?  I guess those have been discussed and investigated for the concept model of nutrient somewhere.



  2. Yongsheng Gao Thank you so much for looking at this, and yes I started it very constrained for our first round, but I think you exactly right on what can be relaxed.  I wasn't sure about the role group so I see what you are saying and will make those changes.  The complexity is the nutrient! I have talked with the Substance group and this is somewhat of a new use case for them and there will be some changes necessary.  For now, we are going with "substance" but may switch to "product" for some concept as their project progresses.  I'll ping you when we are ready for a 2nd round of review.

    Thanks, Penni

  3. Hi Penni Hernandez , has this template been finalized? If so, I could add a link to it in the Ed Guide while I am proposed changes in the Observable entity modeling section here: I am going to add a link to the Susceptibility template on this page as well.


    1. Hi Suzanne, just saw this comment!  sorry.  We are still changing it (e.g. today!) and I do need to add Editorial Guidance

  4. Hi Yongsheng Gao could you have a look at this updated template please.  I've updated to include the new 1003735000 |Process acts on (attribute)| attribute and updated to the new format for cardinalities.

    Many thanks


    1. Hi Elaine Wooler, it looks good. I have checked the status of the technical implementation and it is fine to include this update. Cheers, Yong

  5. Hi Yongsheng Gao This templated has changed due to the inactivation of 432102000 |Administration of substance (procedure)| and replacement with 107733003 |Introduction procedure (procedure)|.  I've changed the version number, is there anything else I need to do before you send it for production?

    1. Hi Elaine Wooler , Please address the misalignments (about 50 concepts) before we can move this forward for implementation.

      Note, the new version of an existing template should be created in a separate Confluence page. So, we can provide a reference to the older released version by the link to the achieved template. I just updated the Notes section for the template specification. Hopefully, this would be clearer for the creation of a new version template in future. 

  6. Hi Yongsheng Gao 

    All of the misalignments except one have previously been accepted with the Nutrition CPG as issues outside of their control e.g. substance classification.  The additional one 568161000005105 |Maternal pre-pregnancy alcoholic beverage intake (observable entity)| is a new subtype of one already accepted.  These are known issues and have associated tickets.

    1. Hi Elaine Wooler  Almost all misalignments are caused by values of the property that are not within the specified range of <<  118597006 |Quantity rate (property) (qualifier value)|. I have highlighted these values by different colours in the misalignment report.

      118538004 |Mass, a measure of quantity of matter (property) (qualifier value)|,  
      118565006 |Volume (property) (qualifier value)|,
      118582008 |Percent (property) (qualifier value)|,
      410681005 |Count of entities (property) (qualifier value)|,
      118589004 |Threshold (property) (qualifier value)| ,
      733996005 |Composition (property) (qualifier value)|. 

      Should the these values be updated or the specified range to be relaxed?

  7. Hi Yongsheng Gao I've just discussed relaxing the template with Donna and we came to the conclusion all of the above values are acceptable.  I've run a new report changing it to <118598001 |Property (qualifier value)|  which reduces the misaligned to 10 and I can review these with Donna but mainly due to Units value.