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Discussion items

  • Request for CRG input on concept |Rape trauma syndrome (finding)
2Outstanding QuestionsElaine Wooler
  • Attention function (observable entity) and relationship to |Cognitive function (observable entity

3Functions, Sensation, PerceptionPiper Allyn Ranallo
  • Discuss qualifier values used for perception clinical findings (normal, altered, disturbed, abnormal), see Perception Findings
  • Discuss approach for perception and sensation observable entities 
    • It looks like there are several concepts we are proposing that were previously in SNOMED, but inactivated
  • Need to think more broadly about:
    • Editorial guidance on observable entities
    • The kinds of observable entity concepts needed to define mental health findings and disorders

Perception and Sensation - main page

Perception Observables - overview and analysis

Sensation-perception hierarchies - proposed model

UMLS Analysis - definitions and modeling within UMLS

4Perception findings
  • Somatoform and factitious disorder concepts in |Perception and/or perceptual disturbance (finding) | subhierarchy

Meeting Files

  File Modified
Microsoft Word Document perception - altered, distrubed, abnormal.docx 2021-Jan-27 by Piper Allyn Ranallo

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