
Blog from June, 2023

There will be no SNOMED on FHIR meeting this Tuesday 27 June due to a SNOMED International "All Staff" meeting.

See you in July!   Best Wishes, Peter

The SNOMED on FHIR working group will meet today, Tuesday 13 June at the start time of 20:00 UTC for 60 minutes.

Discussion will be lead by Michael Lawley Daniel Karlsson and Peter Jordan.  

Please refer to 2023-06-13 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB) for the meeting agenda.   

The zoom link (including password):

Best Wishes, Peter G. Williams

Due to many participants being at FHIR Dev Days in Amsterdam this week, and others being on holiday, the decision has been made to skip the 10:00 UTC call this Wednesday 7 June.   See you Tuesday next week for the 20:00 UTC call, or in 4 weeks time for the next 10:00 UTC meeting.     If you have anything that you'd like to discuss in the meantime, you're very welcome to comment on this blog post, and we can pick it up from there.

Best Wishes, Peter