Blog from October, 2019

The initial discussions of the group will focus on defining the scope and expectations of the group. This will include descriptions of the deliverables and timescales for inclusion and publication of the updates to the content in the SNOMED CT International Release.

To assist in these discussions, I have added two documents in "Shared Documents". One provides a complete list of all children of Epilepsy (disorder) concept in SNOMED CT, the other provides some examples of the terminology modelling within the same hierarchy. Hopefully these will provide a starting point for access to the SNOMED content for those not use to looking at SNOMED CT. We will provide some training to the group members on SNOMED CT, to ensure the group members have a good understanding of SNOMED CT.

We (SNOMED International) look forward to working with the group to enhance the epilepsy representation within the SNOMED CT International Release.