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Changes in this release

New features/improvements

None in this release.

Defects Corrected

Key Summary Linked Issues

Additional Notes

This is an expedited interim release for RMS, to resolve issues related to first-time releases and traceability assertions.

Module versions in this deployment

ModuleVersionDeployment notes
release-dashboard-ui 1.8.1 Unchanged
snomed-release-service 4.3.2 Unchanged
rvf-api 3.4.1 New
rvf-assertions (snomed-release-validation-assertions) 1.2.0 Unchanged
rvf-drools-rules 2.8.1 Unchanged
release-regression-test-ui 1.0.2 New
SRS Autoscaling (config) 4.3.2 Unchanged
RVF Autoscaling (config) 3.4.1 New
RVF Autoscaling (assertions) 1.2.0 Unchanged
RVF Autoscaling (drools) 2.8.1 Unchanged
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