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New Features/Improvements

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Additional Notes

This release adds a missing Drools rule to ensure the FSN is unique in active content when saved, removes the 50-limit constraint affecting task status updates for promoted projects with more than 50 tasks, adds display of the FSN into Validation reports, adds auto-saving of Classifications which return no results, and improves the search-editing flow by adding a link action to each search result listing concept which loads it directly into the edit panel, together with support for accented characters in search queries.

The MRCM rule for Evaluation procedure (procedure) has also been updated to allow proximal primitive parent modelling. This MRCM update is on the Mainline - to have access to the update, the project (and task) has to be rebased. As the MRCM rules are now relaxed, it is necessary to verify that the concept is placed within the Evaluation procedure (procedure) hierarchy after classification.

Module versions

Front-end Version 1.0.138

Back-end Version 4.5.59

Orchestration Service Version 1.25

TS Browser Version 0.17

Traceability Service Version 1.0.4

Drools Rules Version 1.4


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