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About these releases

  • 30 May 2024
    • Authoring Platform 10.3.0: Release Notes
    • SCT Browser 6.3.0: Release Notes
    • Release Automation Platform 4.3.0: Release Notes
    • Release Notes Management Service 3.3.0: Release Notes
    • Template Management Tool 2.2.0: Release Notes
    • Classification Service 9.2.0: Release Notes
    • This is a scheduled maintenance release for the Authoring Platform (AP) and related services. AP 10.3.0 has 51 enhancements and 13 defect fixes, including 21 enhancements and 4 fixes for the Reporting Platform. SCT Browser 6.3.0 has 5 enhancements and 1 defect fix, including an enhancement to the MRCM Maintenance Tool. Release Automation Platform (RAP) 4.3.0 has 12 enhancements and 5 defect fixes. Release Notes Management Service (RNMS) 3.3.0 has 1 enhancement to add ISRS tables to the Technical Known Issues section. Template Management Tool (TMT) 2.2.0 has 1 enhancement to organise filters alphabetically. Classification Service 9.2.0 has 1 enhancement to add Docker containerisation.
    • CRS 4.2.0: Release Notes
    • This is a scheduled maintenance release for the Content Request Service (CRS), to both the International CRS and US CRS, aligned to the AP 10.3.0 release, with 5 enhancements and 3 defect fixes.

These are scheduled maintenance releases for the Authoring Platform (AP), Release Automation Platform (RAP, formerly RMS), and SCT Browser, and related applications all running on the Snowstorm Terminology Server with related services, including an update to the Classification Service.

This page presents aggregated statistics of all related changes, by type, functional area, and reporter, to give further insight into the nature and focus of this feature release, to which have been added the proportion of tickets raised by Content Team Authors, Testing Team and Technical Development Team, along with the proportion of Technical tickets related to performance and stability.

Fixes/Improvements/Features Could not parse json from Jira

AnalysisNumber of ticketsProportion
Getting issues...
Content Team Reporter
Getting issues...
Other Reporter, including Managed Service and External Authors
Getting issues...
Test Team Reporter
Getting issues...
Technical Team Reporter
Getting issues...
Technical (services/performance/stability/maintainability)
Getting issues...
20% Could not parse json from Jira Could not parse json from Jira

Fixes Could not parse json from Jira Could not parse json from Jira

Improvements Could not parse json from Jira Could not parse json from Jira

New Features Could not parse json from Jira Could not parse json from Jira

Managed Service Could not parse json from Jira Could not parse json from Jira

Key Summary

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