Nutrition and Dietetic Clinical Reference Group


19 June 2023

Discussion items


Welcome/Roll Call

Reminder: calls are recorded

Archived content for NCPT CPG

D. Pertel

Attendees were welcomed to the call.


Agenda review and approval of minutes

02.1 May 2023 minutes

D. Pertel
The agenda and minutes were approved by consensus.

Nutrition Reference Set Communications

03.1 Draft list of audiences for communication, FAQs, NRC talking points

D. Pertel/All

The audiences for receiving the reference set were reviewed. Country representatives could reach out to university programs in their countries, so these were added to the list.

The draft FAQs were reviewed. Suggestions for incorporation were to:

  • Clarify that SNOMED CT is global and is available in multiple languages.
  • Spell out all acronyms in each individual question.
  • Include, in addition to dietetic professionals and IT professionals, other health professionals (eg, nursing, medicine) may use the reference set.
  • Add one question: Can professionals who have used the reference share their experiences? This might help elicit positive experiences with the reference set.

While the FAQs appear thorough, it would be nice to have other modes for communicating the information, in particular, YouTube. PowerPoint presentations/recordings could be feasible. Resources to support the development of videos would be needed to support a professionally made product. 



D. Pertel

Next meeting: September 18, 2023

No July or August Meeting

Meeting Files

02.1 Minutes- 2023 June

03.1 Draft communications for ref set


Previous Meetings

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