Nutrition and Dietetic Clinical Reference Group


15 May 2023

Discussion items


Welcome/Roll Call

New attendees: Anne Coltman, Michelle Ashafa

Reminder: calls are recorded

Archived content for NCPT CPG

C. Papoutsakis

The attendees were welcomed. Constantina Papoutsakis shared that she submitted an abstract for the SNOMED Expo in October and will keep the group abreast if the session is accepted. It does include information about agenda item 4.0.


Agenda review and approval of minutes

02.1 April 2023 minutes

C. Papoutsakis
The agenda and minutes were approved by consensus.

January 2023 Release

03.1 Verification of concepts in release 

D. Pertel
All of the 42 new concepts added for the January 2023 SNOMED release were identified in the SNOMED CT browser.

Nutrition Reference Set Communications

04.1 Draft list of audiences for communication
Draft FAQ questions

D. Pertel

Groups to add for potential communications are:

  • All of the parenteral and enteral nutrition societies
  • Health information managers
  • SNOMED member forum

Follow up will occur to continue to advance this work:

  • Constantina Papoutsakis will ask the Clinical Leads Group if they have past experience and/or suggestions about reference set release communications.
  • Staff will reach out to Jane Millar to learn about what are the typical communications and audiences for reference set releases.
  • Donna Pertel will ask Erica Culp about the Nursing Reference Group experience and communication strategies Nursing used. Their frequently asked questions (FAQs) have already incredibly helpful in developing draft nutrition reference set FAQs. 

Suggested vehicles for communication include:

  • Personal outreach. Talking points for this outreach will be drafted for CRG's consideration.
  • Short article that could be used in nutrition and dietetic association newsletters.
  • Presentation submissions.
  • Short You Tube video that could be shared.

The draft FAQs were reviewed. Additional ideas for the FAQs include:

  1. A typical nutrition use case might be useful. This could be a separate question or imbeded within the answers developed.
  2. A question that moves individuals from knowing about the reference set to how they can implement the reference set in their setting.


Next meeting: June 19, 2023

No July or August Meeting

Previous Meetings

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