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StatusReady for review



Termdescription typeLanguage/acceptabilityLanguage/acceptabilityCase significance




Concept model:

Attribute Group CardinalityAttribute Cardinality

Attribute in Group Cardinality




















Definition status:  

900000000000073002 |Defined (core metadata concept)|

Applies to:

<< 442095009 |Repair of joint (procedure)|

Template language:

71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|  :
363702006 |Has focus (attribute)|  = [[+id(<<  404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)|  )]]}
260686004 |Method (attribute)|   = [[+id(<<  257903006 |Repair - action (qualifier value)|  )]],
424226004 |Using device (attribute)|   = [[+id(<  49062001 |Device (physical object)|  )]],
424361007 |Using substance (attribute)|   = [[+id(<  105590001 |Substance (substance)|  )]],
363699004 |Direct device (attribute)|   = [[+id(<  49062001 |Device (physical object)|  )]],
260507000 |Access (attribute)|   = [[+id(<  309795001 |Surgical access values (qualifier value)|  )]],
363700003 |Direct morphology (attribute)|   = [[+id(<  49755003 |Morphologically abnormal structure (morphologic abnormality)|  )]],
363701004 |Direct substance (attribute)|   = [[+id(<  105590001 |Substance (substance)|  )]],
405813007 |Procedure site - Direct (attribute)|   = [[+id(<<   39352004 |Joint structure (body structure)|  )]]}
246513007 |Revision status (attribute)|   = [[+id(  255231005 |Revision - value (qualifier value)|  )]],
260686004 |Method (attribute)|   = [[+id(<  129264002 |Action (qualifier value)|  )]],
363699004 |Direct device (attribute)|  = [[+id(<  49062001 |Device (physical object)|  )]],
405813007 |Procedure site - Direct (attribute)|   = [[+id(<<  306721000 |Bone and/or joint structure (body structure)|  )]],
405814001 |Procedure site - Indirect (attribute)|   = [[+id(<<  306721000 |Bone and/or joint structure (body structure)|  )]],
363700003 |Direct morphology (attribute)|   = [[+id(<  49755003 |Morphologically abnormal structure (morphologic abnormality)|  )]],
363701004 |Direct substance (attribute)|   = [[+id(<<  261230003 |Bone graft material (substance)|  )]],
424244007 |Using energy (attribute)|   = [[+id(<<  285653008 |Mechanical force (physical force)|  )]],
424226004 |Using device (attribute)|   = [[+id(<  49062001 |Device (physical object)|  )]],
363703001 |Has intent (attribute)|   = [[+id(  429892002 |Guidance intent (qualifier value)|  )]], 
424361007 |Using substance (attribute)|   = [[+id(<<  261230003 |Bone graft material (substance)|   or   6043006 |Bone cement (substance)|   or   84822002 |Methyl methacrylate (substance)|  )]]}

71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|  :
363702006 |Has focus (attribute)| = [[+id(<< 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| )]]} 
260686004 |Method (attribute)|   = [[+id(<<  257903006 |Repair - action (qualifier value)|  )]],
405813007 |Procedure site - Direct (attribute)|   = [[+id(<<   39352004 |Joint structure (body structure)|  )]],
424361007 |Using substance (attribute)|  = [[+id(< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| )]],
260507000 |Access (attribute)|  = [[+id(< 309795001 |Surgical access values (qualifier value)| )]],
363699004 |Direct device (attribute)|  = [[+id(< 49062001 |Device (physical object)| )]],
424226004 |Using device (attribute)|  = [[+id(< 49062001 |Device (physical object)| )]],
363700003 |Direct morphology (attribute)|  = [[+id(< 49755003 |Morphologically abnormal structure (morphologic abnormality)| )]],
246513007 |Revision status (attribute)|  =  255231005 |Revision - value (qualifier value)| },
260686004 |Method (attribute)|   = [[+id(<  129264002 |Action (qualifier value)| )]],
405813007 |Procedure site - Direct (attribute)|   = [[+id(<<  306721000 |Bone and/or joint structure (body structure)| )]],
424361007 |Using substance (attribute)|  = [[+id(< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| )]],
363701004 |Direct substance (attribute)|   = [[+id(<<  261230003 |Bone graft material (substance)|  )]], 
260507000 |Access (attribute)|  = [[+id(< 309795001 |Surgical access values (qualifier value)| )]],
363699004 |Direct device (attribute)|  = [[+id(< 49062001 |Device (physical object)| )]],
424226004 |Using device (attribute)|  = [[+id(< 49062001 |Device (physical object)| )]],
363700003 |Direct morphology (attribute)|  = [[+id(< 49755003 |Morphologically abnormal structure (morphologic abnormality)| )]],
363703001 |Has intent (attribute)|   = [[+id(  429892002 |Guidance intent (qualifier value)|  )]]},
260686004 |Method (attribute)|   = [[+id(<<  129338005 |Surgical implantation - action (qualifier value)|  or <<  425362007 |Surgical insertion - action (qualifier value)| )]],
405814001 |Procedure site - Indirect (attribute)|  = [[+id(<< 306721000 |Bone and/or joint structure (body structure)| )]],
363699004 |Direct device (attribute)|   = [[+id(<  49062001 |Device (physical object)| )]],
424361007 |Using substance (attribute)|   = [[+id(<  105590001 |Substance (substance)|  )]]} 33 concepts

71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|  :
363702006 |Has focus (attribute)| = [[+id(<< 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| )]]} 
260686004 |Method (attribute)|   = [[+id(<<  257903006 |Repair - action (qualifier value)|  )]],
405813007 |Procedure site - Direct (attribute)|   = [[+id(<<   39352004 |Joint structure (body structure)|  )]],
424361007 |Using substance (attribute)|  = [[+id(< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| )]],
260507000 |Access (attribute)|  = [[+id(< 309795001 |Surgical access values (qualifier value)| )]],
363699004 |Direct device (attribute)|  = [[+id(< 49062001 |Device (physical object)| )]],
424226004 |Using device (attribute)|  = [[+id(< 49062001 |Device (physical object)| )]],
363700003 |Direct morphology (attribute)|  = [[+id(< 49755003 |Morphologically abnormal structure (morphologic abnormality)| )]],
246513007 |Revision status (attribute)|  =  255231005 |Revision - value (qualifier value)| },
260686004 |Method (attribute)|   = [[+id(<  129264002 |Action (qualifier value)| )]],
[[~0..1]] [[+id(< 
363704007 |Procedure site (attribute)| )]]  = [[+id(<<  306721000 |Bone and/or joint structure (body structure)| )]],
363699004 |Direct device (attribute)|  = [[+id(< 49062001 |Device (physical object)| )]],
424361007 |Using substance (attribute)|  = [[+id(< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| )]],
363701004 |Direct substance (attribute)|   = [[+id(<<  261230003 |Bone graft material (substance)|  )]], 
260507000 |Access (attribute)|  = [[+id(< 309795001 |Surgical access values (qualifier value)| )]],
424226004 |Using device (attribute)|  = [[+id(< 49062001 |Device (physical object)| )]],
363700003 |Direct morphology (attribute)|  = [[+id(< 49755003 |Morphologically abnormal structure (morphologic abnormality)| )]],
363703001 |Has intent (attribute)|   = [[+id(  429892002 |Guidance intent (qualifier value)|  )]]} 19 concepts

Link to the misaligned concept report: (20 concepts)

Rules for description generation: 

  1. Apply General rules for generating descriptions for templates;
  2. Apply Enhancements for the Template Language;

JIRA ticket:


  1. Hi Jim Case   I have tested different options for the template. The model pattern report shows that the majority of concepts are a combination of the repair and surgical implantation groups. The additional grafting or surgical transplantation role group only covers a handful of concepts. I think they can be treated as exceptions. The simple template could be easier for authors to follow. 

    The model pattern report Prosthetic_Arthroplasty_Model_pattern_report_20240404daily can be found at:

    In the role group changes tab, 10 concepts have inferred additional role groups. 8 concepts are revision procedures. We have 125 revisions of prosthesis and the majority of them are modelled by surgical action, but only 10 procedures are not. For prosthetic arthroplasty, 7 concepts are modelled by surgical action, but 3 concepts are not. 

    Should resurfacing procedures, << 698531009 |Resurfacing hemiarthroplasty of head of humerus (procedure)|,  be modelled by two role groups? The resurfacing group is the repair group without a device. The other is the implantation device role group.

    In the subonto_pattern_datail tab, I have highlighted potential issues of additional attributes in the repair group. They could be moved to the implantation role group.

    In the prod_pattern_detail tab, it shows that only 14 concepts are not using proximal primitive concepts. 

  2. Yongsheng Gao 

    I apologize.  I had generalized the prior "Prosthethic arthroplasty of joint" template I created to include all subtypes of 442095009 |Repair of joint (procedure)|, but neglected to fix that in the Applies to: section.  

  3. Hi Jim Case  I created two templates. The template with two role groups is simple and reports fewer misalignments. However, it lacks sensitivity to identify potential issues. The template with three role groups reports more misalignments. The role group for implantation and insertion enforces the use of indirect procedure sites and direct devices. Please see the reports for both templates.

    The same issue remains for revision and resurfacing concepts. I have forced "revision status" in the repair role group because the revision of a repair procedure is still a repair procedure. We do not need to have additional "surgical action" for the revision role group. The rest role groups represent the specific actions to achieve repair and they do not need revision status. The issues for revision are also identified in your template. 

    The model pattern report for the repair of joint can be found at

    In the role group changes tab, there are 13 concepts with additional role groups (that includes 10 from the Prosthetic arthroplasty). 

    In the prod_pattern_detail tab, it shows that 24 concepts are not modelled by proximal primitive parents.

    1. Thanks Yongsheng Gao 

      I am working on revision repairs currently and had not thought about simply adding the revision attribute to the repair RG.  I notice in your templates, however, that you do not have an optional guidance RG, which is present in a number of concepts.  Did you leave that out intentionally?  You also left out the USING ENERGY relationship in the Action RG.  Is that because there are so few of them that require this?

      I will take a look at the model pattern report for additional insight.

      1. Hi Jim Case  The optional guidance is covered by the "action" role group. There are only two concepts modelled by "using energy" that can be treated as exceptions.

  4. Hi Jim Case  FYI, there are 8 concepts modelled by surgical insertion under the repair of joint subhierarchy. << 442095009 |Repair of joint (procedure)| : << 260686004 |Method (attribute)| = << 425362007 |Surgical insertion - action (qualifier value)|

  5. Agree that we can get riid of the using energy relationship as well as integrating the Imaging guidance RGZ into the generic "Action" RG. I also think that we can add the revision status relationship to the repair RG.  I will test that out and see what the result is.