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StatusReady for implementation



Termdescription typeLanguage/acceptabilityLanguage/acceptabilityCase Significance
Product containing [substance] in [pharmaceutical dose form] (medicinal product form)FSNus:Pgb:Pci
[substance]-containing product in [pharmaceutical dose form]SYNus:Pgb:Pci

Concept model:

Definition status:  

900000000000073002 |Defined|

Rules for description generation:

  1. Apply General rules for generating descriptions for templates
  2. 'and [substance]' needs to be added for FSN for multiple |has active ingredient| and they are self grouped, e.g. Product containing calcium carbonate and light kaolin in oral dose form (medicinal product form)
  3. '[substance]- and' needs at the beginning of the description to be added for PT for multiple |has active ingredient| and they are self grouped, e.g. calcium carbonate- and light kaolin-containing product in oral dose form
  4. For multiple ingredients, the ingredients in each description need to be in alphabetical order e.g. Codeine and paracetamol for FSN but Acetaminophen and codeine (for US PT).

Template Language

JIRA ticket for implementation:

DRUGS-275 - Getting issue details... STATUS

INFRA-3052 - Getting issue details... STATUS

DRUGS-643 - Getting issue details... STATUS

INFRA-12575 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  1. Nicola Ingram, I have updated the description rule. If it is okay, this is ready for implementation.

  2. Yongsheng Gao that's great ready for implementation -  I will copy that point 1 on all the Templates.

    Toni  would like the Templates named MPF-containing single ingredient and so on for each Template.

    I will be creating a list of concepts for testing the template.

    Will add a list of concepts for testing this template to DRUGS-275

  3. Nicola Ingram Toni Morrison, It is fine to have a short name for template. Please note, after discussion with Linda, I have updated the template for self role group and description rules to cover multiple active ingredients. Please let me know if there are any issues. Cheers, Yong

  4. Yongsheng Gao Toni Morrison

    To check my understanding based on Yong's Rules 2 and 3 we require just the one template for single and multiple ingredients so I can remove the 'single' from the Template title and link to the other JIRA tickets for multi-ingredient concepts  (same for MP-only, MPF-only and MP-containing?)

  5. Hi Nicola Ingram I updated the name for both Ready for implementation templates. I do not know why they were not saved. They are updated now to cover multiple active ingredients. The same approach can be applied for any other new templates. Cheers, Yong

  6. Ungrouped attributes cannot have role group cardinality - there's no group!   I'll remove.

  7. Peter G. Williams Right I was thinking role group zero was a kind of 'self-group' I have this on them all - checked by Yong - will need to amend.

  8. We do have issue for consistent representation of role group. Has active ingredient is self-grouped in this case. When other attributes are available in it subconcepts, this attribute is grouped with others.  This attribute should always be in a role group to ensure correct classification.  The role group cardinality 1..* for has active ingredient means that we can have one or multiple role groups. I have updated the attribute cardinality from 1..* to 1..1. This is the cardinality of attribute in a role group. They should normally be 0..1 or 1..1.   Cheers, Yong

    1. Yongsheng Gao I don't think we can have role group cardinality for ungrouped attributes.   In this case I think we should merge that column so they're all N/A

      In addition the specific cardinality of specific attributes will differ.   We will only ever have one form attribute, but for multiple ingredient products it will be "many" .

      I'll make the changes now and please let me know if you disagree.   I'll screen shot the "before" so you can see what's different:  

      1. Hi Peter G. Williams  The attribute 'Has active ingredient' is always grouped. It is represented in this way because we haven't got support for self-grouped attribute. It is not possible to place the single |Has active ingredient| in role group 1. This will be supported in May when we moved to OWL refset. Then, we can change the cardinality as you specified here and also change role group number to 1 for |Has active ingredient|. Does reporting platform support self-grouped attribute?

  9. Yongsheng Gao Template is ready for review prior to sending to the tech team for publication. Note - has a different role group cardinality than 127489000 |Has active ingredient (attribute)| in MP-containing ingredient (medicinal product) - v1.0

    1. Hi Nicola Ingram  I have updated the format for cardinality. The cardinality for active ingredient is 1..* to support multiple active ingredient products. The template language section has also been added. Please let me know if any further changes are needed.

  10. Thanks Yongsheng Gao no further changes required. The PT descriptions with hyphens are a complexity but I think we've covered that in the Rules for description generation.