
Page tree


Documentation of mapping methodology and decisions made is important

  • To allow reproduction of the mapping process for updates
  • As evidence of the mapping process undertaken and rules applied for compliance assessment

A map is not necessarily static, future versions of a map may require a change of decisions or rules which need to be clearly defined and applied consistently.

Clear documentation will allow the correct usage of the map and allow users to identify when the meaning of the results of the map have changed

Documentation should include

  • Identification of source and target code systems (include versioning)
  • The purpose and use case of the map
  • Intended users of the map
  • The scope and rules of the map
  • Pre-processing undertaken
  • Processes undertaken to modify data
  • Rules and reasons for changes
  • Personnel involved
  • Tools used
  • The mapping process used
  • Issues resolution process
  • Validation process
  • Risk Assessment
  • Risk Management process

  • No labels