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StatusIn PROD


Termdescription typeLanguage/acceptabilityLanguage/acceptabilityCase significance
[course] [periods of life] [morphology] of [body structure] caused by [causative] (disorder)FSNus:Pgb:Pci
[course] [periods of life] [morphology] of [body structure] caused by [causative]SYNus:Pgb:Pci

Concept model:

Definition status:  

900000000000073002 |Defined (core metadata concept)|  

Applies To:

<<  64572001 |Disease (disorder)|  :  116676008 |Associated morphology (attribute)|  = <<  708528005 |Narrowing (morphologic abnormality)|

Template Language

Rules for description generation:

  1. Apply General rules for generating descriptions for templates;
  2. Misaligned and normalisation report

JIRA tickets:

QI-505 - Getting issue details... STATUS

QI-520 - Getting issue details... STATUS

QI-506 - Getting issue details... STATUS

QI-500 - Getting issue details... STATUS

QI-507 - Getting issue details... STATUS

INFRA-4698 - Getting issue details... STATUS