

Please see the attached briefing note regarding the planned inactivation of concepts in the 260299005 |Number (qualifier value)| hierarchy.

Briefing Note for Number Hierarchy Inactivation 2021-June.pdf

2020-Apr-7: A briefing note regarding upcoming attribute changes related to vaccine modeling is available:

Briefing Note Vaccines Mar 2021 Attribute Refinement.pdf

A briefing note providing a summary of upcoming attribute refinements for the Physical object hierarchy is available:

Briefing Note Devices Mar 2021 Attribute Refinement.pdf

2021-Feb-2 - A Briefing Note regarding the planned inactivation of overdose and poisoning concepts described as "undetermined intent" is available.

Briefing Note QI Feb 2021 Undetermined Overdose and Poisoning Inactivation.pdf

2021-Jan-26 - A Briefing Note regarding the planned inactivation of device content referencing a kit or set is available:

Briefing Note Devices Jan 2021 Kit and Set Inactivation.pdf

A briefing note providing a summary of the Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 vaccine-related changes made for the 2021-January International Release is available:

Briefing Note Jan 2021 SARS-CoV-2 vaccines.pdf

Note: The Briefing Note was updated 2021-Jan-25 to include one additional new concept.

SNOMED International is establishing a Drug Extensions User Support Group, to provide support to implementers of SNOMED CT drug extensions. The group is open to any stakeholder from the SNOMED CT community who is actively using, planning to use, or interested in using the SNOMED CT drug extension model. This includes anyone who is:

  • Creating a national SNOMED CT drug extension to support clinical systems;
  • Mapping an existing national drug model to SNOMED International's drug model to support interoperability and cross-border data sharing;
  • Integrating a SNOMED CT drug extension with other drug standards, such as ISO's Identification of Medicinal Products (IDMP) standard;
  • Utilising the SNOMED CT drug model to implement clinical decision support (CDS); or
  • Developing clinical implementations that use a drug dictionary based on the SNOEMD CT drug extension model.

Objective - To provide a forum through which implementers can share their real world experiences, challenges and questions, with other stakeholders and SNOMED International

      1. To enable the successful implementation of national SNOMED CT drug extensions, that meet the requirements of both national use and cross-border data sharing
      2. To enable the successful interoperability between national SNOMED CT drug extensions and other medicinal product standards required for national or cross-border data sharing

Meetings - The first meeting will be held on Thursday 29th October 2020 at 11:00 UTC

To register for this group, please complete the registration form at For further information please visit or email Linda Bird (

Please see the Briefing Note which was just shared with the Member Forum concerning planned inactivation of device content in the physical object hierarchy which includes the device use frequency (e.g., "single use").

Please find the next of a series of briefing notes that was sent to the Member Forum to update them on the content improvements in the Substance and Product hierarchies. For further reference, this project group’s Confluence space is located at: Drugs Project Please contact with any inquiries.

Attached please find the first two of a series of briefing notes that were sent to the Member Forum to update them on the content improvements in the Substance and Product hierarchies. For further reference, this project group’s Confluence space is located at: Drugs Project Please contact with any inquiries. 

Attached please find a briefing note that was sent to the Member Forum to update them on the establishment and activities of the Devices Working Group.  For further reference, this project group's Confluence space is located at:

Please contact with any inquiries. 

The Drug Concept Model - Editorial Guidelines for Modeling and Terming v1.0.pdf document has been updated on the project group site.

Dear all

On-going status of the project can be tracked using following links in the correct sequence as advised below. The first link will show you the JIRA tickets, which are either completed or in progress. Each ticket documents progress of a a sub-hierarchy or part of it, by using the second link you can track the Clinical findings, the JIRA tickets refer to. For example Qi-20 about 125666000 |Burn| is completed, by searching for "125666000" in the daily build on the second link, you will find what had been done to "Burn"

  1. QI Scope, Process, Progress - archived#ClinicalFindingsQIScope,ProcessandRisk-5.Progress

If you have any question please contact or 


SNOMED Content team

DRUGS Briefing update

Updated briefing: Briefing note - Implications of describing liquid dose form product concepts v2, can be found on second table of this page Reference Documentation - Medicinal Product Model

Dear all

This is a follow-up email on the DEMO release announcement to inform you that it includes Drugs and Substances. It is a demonstration of use of axioms on role, we don't expect feedback from you. The DEMO release will be taken down on 05-OCT-2018, and the content will be officially released in the International Release schedule for 31-JAN-2019. 

Please bear in mind that all "in-working-progress" documents are not accessible at this point in time, they will be released by 31-JAN-2019 together with the content. The changes in this Demo release can be viewed here

Please let me know if you need further information.

Best regards,