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Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Category&ConceptsTableSocialCare_V09-march21-2023numbers arj.xlsx 2023-May-04 by Anant Jani
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Category&ConceptsTableSocialCare_V08-march21-2023numbers.xlsx 2023-Mar-24 by William TF Goossen
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Category&ConceptsTableSocialCare_V07-nov13-2022allUC.xlsx 2023-Jan-25 by William TF Goossen

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  1. The difference between v07 and v08 is only for using the count formula for the number of concepts with SCT Concept ID and the number with Gap. However, version 07 is currently handled by Cathy Richardson and hence, remains here.

  2. Very comprehensive; I have gone through and left comments on v9 (highlighted in yellow in column b).  i found a lot of this quite repetitive and couldn't really figure out the logic in how this was organised - again a lot of repetition and it would have been helpful to have the categories streamlined and consolidated in some way