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Version in PROD1.0


Termdescription typeLanguage/acceptabilityLanguage/acceptabilityCase significance

Disease caused by [organism] (disorder)


Disease caused by [organism]


Concept model:

Definition status:  

900000000000073002 |Defined (core metadata concept)|

Applies to

<< 17322007 |Disease caused by parasite (disorder)|

Rules for description generation:

  1. Remove the semantic tag, e.g. (body structure)
  2. Remove 'Structure of' from [body structure] if term starts with 'Structure of'   e.g. 709530002|Structure of phalanx of hand (body structure)|
  3. Remove 'structure' from [body structure] if term contains 'structure', e.g. 69536005|Head structure (body structure)|   24097009|Bone structure of hand (body structure)|

JIRA ticket:

QI-65 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  1. Someone wrote "Don't know if this is needed" against the Interprets/HasInterpretation block.  There are 9 of those attributes listed in the attribute usage report, so I'll say yes that block is useful.   Might be worth checking out those concepts though.   ECL to find them would be :  << 17322007 |Disease caused by parasite (disorder)| : 363714003 |Interprets (attribute)| = *

  2. Hi @Penni.   I added optional Due To and Clinical Course attributes because they were suggested by the attribute usage report, but please let me know if you decided that was too lenient and wanted to look at those.    ECL to find them would be << 17322007 |Disease caused by parasite (disorder)| : 42752001 |Due to (attribute)| = *

  3. Hi Penni Hernandez  The description templates for FSN and Synonyms need to be updated to include values, e.g. cause, interpretation, causative agent etc.  We also need a new name for this template to avoid confusion with the existing Parasitic disorder template.