Page tree

StatusIn review



Termdescription typeLanguage/acceptabilityLanguage/acceptabilityCase significance
Surgical margin involved by [primary] [neoplasm] of [body structure] in [specimen] (observable entity)FSNUS:PTGB:PTci
Surgical margin involved by [primary] [neoplasm] of [body structure] in [specimen]PTUS:PTGB:PTci

Concept model:

Definition status:  

900000000000073002 |Sufficiently defined by necessary conditions definition status (core metadata concept)|

Applies to:

< 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)|

Template language:

Rules for description generation:

  1. Apply General rules for generating descriptions for templates
  2. Remove "in [specimen]" if 'specimen' is not included
  3. Remove "of [body structure]" if 'body structure' is not included
  4. When Characterizes (attribute) with value 1234914003 |Malignant proliferation of primary neoplasm (qualifier value)| is included, then "primary" should be populated in the slot [primary] in the FSN and PT.

JIRA ticket: 


  1. Suzanne Santamaria updated and placed in review.

  2. Suzanne Santamaria updated and ready for review.

    1. Nicola Ingram , it looks good to me. I tested running a template compliance report with this updated template language the the results were good.

  3. Do the 3 misaligned stated have a significance - trying to understand!

    1. Those three are older SNOMED concepts which were not included in Scott's promotion and modeling work. They have no stated relationships, so it is expected that they would not comply with the templates. We can ignore them for this purpose.