Versions Compared


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  1.  Clone us-mapping to uat-us-mapping.  Reindex.
  2.  Get Rory to confirm when the Member International release has been loaded into the US authoring tool
  3.  Wait till the drip feed files at{DAY/TIME}/outputfiles/sct2_{Component}_Delta_US1000124_20190901.txt  have international data in them.  (This location may change and should be checked with Rory/Andrew)
  4.  Have Rory/Terance or systems increase the UAT box to 16 GB / 4 CPU.  Have auto-shutoff turned off temporarily for test load.
  5.  Run the script on UAT called /opt/mapping-service-admin/config/bin/loadDeltaInternationalOnly.csh.  This will likely need to be run step by step.  First the international only data needs to be parsed out and files put in a single flat directory.  The flat directory should not be a /tmp subdirectory or else it will be deleted before it can be transfered for the prod insertion.  Then the delta needs to be loaded, tree positions removed, tree positions reindexed, tree positions loaded and workflow computed.
  6. Spot-check concept Ids in Available work, that they were all in-scope and mapped on Int'l mapping,
  7.  Have NLM confirm it looks correct on UAT.
  8.  Have Rory/Terance revert settings on uat-us-mapping.
  9.  Get maintenance window for us-mapping and resize box on us-mapping.
  10. Put OFF file in /home/ihtsdo/bin directory.
  11.  Run it there too.

Deploying on us-mapping

  1. supervisorctl stop mapping-service

  2. cd /home/ihtsdo/code

  3. git pull
  4. mvn clean install

  5. mvn install package -f pom-us.xml

  6. cp /home/ihtsdo/code/rest/target/mapping-rest.war /opt/mapping-service/run/target/tomcat.10002/webapps/expanded/mapping-rest.war
  7. supervisorctl start mapping-service