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SNOMED CT design also includes the Reference Set mechanism which provides a standard way to customize and enhance content for use in a particular Gloss
General use cases for subsets represented as Simple Reference Sets
- Excluding content
- For example, the "Non-human Reference Set" excludes content which is only relevant in veterinary medicineReference sets can be used to exclude concepts that are not required by a particular use case.
- Including content
- Limiting searches to content of specific interest to a specialty or specific data entry context
- In some cases very limited subsets can be presented as dropdown lists or option boxes rather than searches.
- Prioritizing content
- In some cases, a subset represents an initial priority list of options but the full content of SNOMED CT is searchable when required.
- Note that Ordered Reference Sets support more flexible prioritization.
- Managing use of codes in messages and communications
- A Simple Reference Set may represent a value set applicable to a particular field in a message.
Content Tools