Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Determine the source terminology version (SNOMEDCT), the destination terminology version (GMDN) and the effective time for the release.  The effective time and the source terminology version will be the same release date as the immediately previous SNOMED International release (e.g. 20XX0731 or 20XX0131).  The destination version should include the last GMDN content that got included in the International Edition before the content cut off date (for July release, this would be early May, e.g. 17_5).  Examples below are based on SNOMEDCT 20170731 to GMDN 17_5 release. 
  2. Stop editing on Prod
  3. Check Prod database for no tracking records on the project.
  4. Clone the final prod backup to the release server.
  5. Begin next editing cycle on the Prod server.
  6. Compute Workflow on Prod.
  7. On release server, stop the server

    Code Block
    supervisorctl stop mapping-rest

  8. On release server, remove simple map refset members with GMDN refsetId. 

    Code Block
    //in DB, first remove simplemap refset members
    DELETE from simple_map_refset_members where refsetId = 467614008;

  9. On release server, load previous release active simple map refset members (der2_sRefset_SimpleMapActiveSnapshot_INT_20170131.txt) with GMDN refsetId from previous (e.g.20170131) release.  Andrew will provide this file, or it should be on server in previous release file.  If you use the SimpleMapSnapshot file instead, you first need to remove the inactive rows.  awk '$3 == "1" { print $_ }' initialFile.txt > outputFile.txt

    Code Block
    sudo su - mapping-rest
    cd /opt/mapping-admin/loader
    perl -ne '@_=split/\t/; print if $_[4] eq "467614008"' /home/ihtsdo/data/doc/release/20170131/gmdn/der2_sRefset_SimpleMapActiveSnapshot_INT_20170131.txt > /tmp/x.txt
    mvn install -PSimpleMapRecords -Drun.config=/opt/mapping-rest/ -Dinput.file=/tmp/x.txt -Dmember.flag=true -Drecord.flag=false

  10. Remove SNOMEDCT 20170131.

    Code Block

  11. Add SNOMEDCT 20170731  (this took 2 1/2 hours on the release server)

    Code Block
    cd /opt/mapping-service-admin/admin/loader
    mvn install -PRF2-snapshot -Drun.config=/opt/mapping-service/conf/ -Dterminology=SNOMEDCT -Dversion=20170731 -Dinput.dir=/home/ihtsdo/data/SNOMEDCT/SnomedCT_InternationalRF2_PRODUCTION_20170731T120000Z/Snapshot > /opt/mapping-service/logs/loadSnomed20170731.log

  12. Add GMDN 17_05.  (OK if later versions remain in the db as long as the project references the correct release version)

    Code Block
    cd /opt/mapping-service-admin/admin/loader
    mvn install -PGMDN -Dinput.dir=/home/ihtsdo/data/GMDN/17_5 \
      -Dterminology=GMDN -Dversion=17_5 -Drun.config=/opt/mapping-service/conf/ > /opt/mapping-service/logs/loadGmdn17_05.log

  13. Reindex (is this necessary?)

    Code Block
    cd /opt/mapping-service-admin/admin/lucene 
    mvn install -PReindex -Drun.config=/opt/mapping-service/conf/ > /opt/mapping-service/logs/reindex.log

  14. Start the server 

    Code Block
    supervisorctl start mapping-rest

  15. Update the project to point to the SNOMEDCT and GMDN release versions.
  16. Compute Workflow.  Watch log at  tail -f /var/log/tomcat.log.
  17. Begin release.  (Use effectiveTime 20170731 given example dates above)  ModuleId is 466707005.
  18. Check QA report
  19. Have mappers fix any errors.
  20. Compute Workflow
  21. Check database for no tracking records on the project.
  22. Begin release
  23. Process release
  24. Copy ActiveSnapshot file back to Prod
  25. On Prod, run Preview Finish
  26. Check Release Finalization report
  27. Run Finish Release.
  28. Question: we loaded sources onto the release server.  What needs to be loaded into prod?
