Hierarchy | Concept type | Allowed | Exception | Examples and Notes |
Substance | Base substance | yes | none | Allergy concepts representing a substance base should be modeled using a Causative agent that is a descendant of 105590001 |Substance (substance)|. Example:
Expected classification (Agreed 21-Jan-2020):
Substance | Modification | no | yes | Example: 293908005 |Allergy to chloral hydrate (finding)| Chloral hydrate is a sedative and may not be well-represented by "Chloral derivative". Expected classification (Agreed 21-Jan-2020):
Substance | Disposition grouper | yes | none | Example:
Expected classification results (Agreed 21-Jan-2020):
Substance | Structure grouper | yes | none | Example:
Expected classification (Agreed 21-Jan-2020):
Substance | Role grouper | no | none | Role groupers in the Substance hierarchy will be inactivated in a future release and should not be used for modeling in this subhierarchy. (Agreed 21-Jan-2020) |
Product | Disposition grouper | no | none | No use case has been identified for use of this concept type for modeling in this subhierarchy. Disposition groupers in the Product hierarchy should only exist as SD concepts with a corresponding concept in the Substance hierarchy; the corresponding concept in the Substance hierarchy should be used for modeling in this subhierarchy. (Agreed 21-Jan-2020) |
Product | Structure grouper | no | none | No use case has been identified for use of this concept type for modeling in this subhierarchy. Structure groupers in the Product hierarchy should only exist as SD concepts with a corresponding concept in the Substance hierarchy; the corresponding concept in the Substance hierarchy should be used for modeling in this subhierarchy. (Agreed 21-Jan-2020) |
Product | Role grouper | yes | none | Example: 417930000 |Allergy to adhesive agent (finding)|Expected classification results: NEEDS INTERNAL AGREEMENT
Product | Medicinal product-containing | yes | none | Example:
Expected classification results: NEEDS INTERNAL AGREEMENT
https://confluence.ihtsdotools.org/display/IAP/Allergy+to+X+vaccine |
Product | Medicinal product-only | no | none | No use case has been identified for use of this concept type for modeling in this subhierarchy. Medicinal product-containing concepts can be used for modeling in this subhierarchy. (Agreed 21-Jan-2020) |
Product | Medicinal product form-containing | no | none | No use case has been identified for use of this concept type for modeling in this subhierarchy. Medicinal product form-containing concepts can be used for modeling in this subhierarchy. (Agreed 21-Jan-2020) |
Product | Medicinal product form-only | no | none | No use case has been identified for use of this concept type for modeling in this subhierarchy. Medicinal product form-containing concepts can be used for modeling in this subhierarchy. (Agreed 21-Jan-2020) |
Product | Clinical drug | no | none | No use case has been identified for use of this concept type for modeling in this subhierarchy. Medicinal product form-containing concepts can be used for modeling in this subhierarchy. (Agreed 21-Jan-2020) |