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  • 1. Introduction: This chapter explains the background, purpose, scope, audience and overview of the document
  • 2. SNOMED CT Expressions:This chapter introduces SNOMED CT expressions, describing the syntax, structure and forms of expressions. It also outlines the benefits, challenges and considerations associated with the decision to support postcoordinated expressions
  • 3 System Components: This chapter introduces the components included in the design of systems enabled to support postcoordination
  • 4. Expressions in the EHR: This chapter introduces and exemplifies how expressions may be used within an Electronic Health Record to support key tasks including clinical data entry, storage, display, exchange and retrieval
  • 5. Expressions in a Terminology Server: This chapter describes the requirements and design of a terminology server supporting postcoordination. It introduces various levels of implementations that have been specified to ensure the safe implementation of postcoordination, and it documents how the design can be met complying with RF2 or HL7 FHIR


We invite SNOMED CT Members and Affiliates to try this initial version of the guide. It will be extended and enhanced following feedback. Please send any comments or questions to