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Import Functions

The solution contains import features that allow a user to import a file in a number of formats containing the content which should be translated or related content.

Partially Meets

Import functionality will be handler-based with a default RF2 implementation.  Other handlers for import can be easily created at a later time.

Export Functions 

The solution contains export features that allows a user to export a file in relevant formats containing the content translated in the solution.


RF2 support (e.g. descriptions/language/ refsets files).

Text Format

Description of which text formats are supported in the solution


Standard RF2 mechanisms for description type and length will be supported. Customizable by project.

Workflow Support

Support of role-based translation quality assurance (QA) process containing role-based user workflows features, either with different feature sets for different types of users in the translation process, but as a minimum with identical feature sets for different types of users in the translation process.


Role based access (VIEWER, AUTHOR, REVIEWER, ADMIN). QA is offered as a unit or batch operation that can be run on demand or on a schedule.  Quality assurance checks can be configured on a “per project” or “per refset” basis but are identical for users with authoring or review roles.  If validation checks for authors and reviewers need to be different, validation check configuration can be implemented accordingly.

1-2 Workflow Stages

Support of a 1-2 step QA translation process containing Role-based user workflows features, either with different feature sets for different types of users in the translation process, but as a minimum with identical feature sets for different types of users in the translation process.


Basic role-based workflow process allowing for (un)assignment of batches of concepts to particular authors.  Author work is reviewed, and then set for preview or publication.  This workflow will also support fixing or changing published content.

Dual independent review workflows are not offered at this time. 

Configurable Workflow

Support of a configurable workflow supporting QA translation process containing Role-based user workflows features, either with different feature sets for different types of users in the translation process, but as a minimum with identical feature sets for different types of users in the translation process.

Partially meets

Only a single workflow will be supported by this tool that is mostly linear (with a feedback loop for fixing errors) and does not support dual-independent-review. However, it will be implemented in a flexible/configurable way that allows for additional, more complicated workflow paths to be implemented in the future.

Workflow History Logs

Translations go through a number of versions, both in translation as well as during subsequent editing and proofreading. The solution must support history/audit logs of which user incl. role performed which action in the translation process.


The tool will support a complete audit history of all changes with the ability to search and discover past states and walk object graphs of those past states.

1 Source Translation

Support of translation of single sources in a translation project e.g 1 description type per translation step.


The tool will present the translator with the complete international edition concept (all descriptions) and the option to provide one or more translations of those descriptions.

2-n Source Translation

Support of simultaneously translations of multiple sources in a translation project e.g. 2 descriptions type translation per translation step.


The tool will present the translator with the complete international edition concept (all descriptions) and the option to provide one or more translations of those descriptions.

Version Control

Translations go through a number of versions, both in translation as well as during subsequent editing and proofreading. The solution would archive all versions of each translation version, and then provide the ability to compare any two versions to see differences and changes.


The tool has a complete audit history and will support a generic mechanism for comparing versions of a translation (and its corresponding refset).  This can be used to compare two versions of the same translation, or two translations.

SCT Version Control

Each new version of the SNOMED CT International edition may have an impact on the already translated terms. The solution must show where there have been changes to that content already translated.


The tool will maintain a binding between the translation and the corresponding international description (if directly translated) and the corresponding underlying concept.  A service will support computation of changes between SNOMED CT versions and the ability to put matching translation into the workflow.

Spell Checker

Support for spell checking features during the translation process, both standard types (e.g. google spell checker) or customizable where a user can add corrections themselves.


The tool will have a custom spellchecker (based on Lucene) to which words can be added.  The dictionary will be shared for all users of a particular translation.  This will be available to the validation framework (to produce warnings and allow the user to add their new words).  Projects are expected to supply an initial dictionary for their translation.

Generic  spelling correction will be handled by the browser.

Translation Suggestions

Support for translating suggestions of similar terms from dynamic translation memory throughout several translation project within the solution.


The tool will support a handler for suggesting translations.  A default implementation will maintain a translation memory that can be reused across translation projects.

Document & Internet Reference

Support of Users being able to make document and internet reference annotations to a specific translation, by support upload of relevant documents in the broadest range of document formats.


The tool will support notes for all translated descriptions/concepts.  This mechanism will support attachment and links.

Collaborative Translating

Support for Users to be able to make annotations – e.g., "I had a problem with this translation"– at  any level of detail or scope in a comment field or similar.


The tool will support notes for all translated descriptions/concepts.  This mechanism will support attachments and links.

Task Notification Support

Support of notification of project members in changes in the status of translations in order to be notified of the arrival of new translation tasks into the system. Notification could be done via email or RSS (Rich Site Syndication).


The tool will support an email notification mechanism that can be wired to notify users when new batches of work have been assigned to them.

Splitting Translation Tasks

Large amount of translations to be performed often need to be broken down into smaller units in order to be delegated to different translators or parcelled out in manageable units. Segmentation support would allow breaking large amount of concepts into such units and enable eventual re-assembly of the translated segments into a final unified file.


The tool will enable batching of content needed to be translated and (un)assignment of that content to individual users (either as authors or as reviewers).  Segmentation will be based on paging, filtering, and sorting algorithms.  For example, you can sort the refset members in a particular way and perform a text search into that list and then assign the first n cases to a reviewer.