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Target releasePhase 1
Document status
titleDRAFTin dev
Document owner

Rory Davidson

AnalystEmily Wang


  • Enable authors to work based on tasks, for the tasks to be reviewed, and for the tasks to be promoted into a project, ready for release


  • A task represents a work task
  • A task is represented as a JIRA ticket within a specific project
  • This task is also represented as a task branch on the terminology server
  • A task can be linked to one or many SIRS (or equivalent) requests

Requirements - done and implemented

#TitleRequirement DescriptionUser StoryNotesImportanceJIRA Tickets 
1Creation of a task

It must allow to

  • create a task by project lead
  • assign the task to an author
  • define task title, project name, and description of the task
  • notify the author whom has been assigned the ticket
As an author lead, I want to create a work task and assign to an author author so that author can receive a task from author lead directly.

A JIRA ticket would be created on the specific project to represent the task


  • Create a task by project lead in Jira
2Creation of a task

It must enable to

  • create a task by author
  • define task title, project name, and description of the task
  • save the task (into TS and Jira).
As an author, I want to create my own task to deal with some content I have been asked to edit or create  so that I can provide summary of my task.A JIRA ticket would be created on the specific project to represent the task




3Adding content to a task

It should require author to provide free text. For example

  • request IDs, summary of each request, and manager of that request in the description of the task.

Note: this requirement is only for minimum viable product but not the final delivery.

As an author, I want to work within a task and have the work I have done tracked for future reference All editing during the context of the task should be audited and retrievable against the task
  • Require author to provide information


4Adding content to a task from a file

It should allow author to upload a list of request IDs as a file into task.

Note: this requirement is only for minimum viable product in phase 1.

As an author, I want to import a list of concept request IDs as a file to create the worklist within the task 
  • A button to load file into task
  • Able to open the uploaded file from task
5Changing status of a task

It must be able to

  • change status from 'New' to 'In progress' when author start working on a task in SCA
  • change status from 'In progress' to 'In review' when author is ready to submit for review
  • change status from 'In review' to 'Review completed' when review is completed
  • change status from 'Review completed' to 'Promoted' when author promoted a task to project level.
  • change status from 'Promoted' to 'Completed' when a task is promoted to project and merged to the mainline
As an author, I want to change status of task so that I can move forward my task to the next state.   
6Notifying user when a task is assigned to him/her by other user

 It must

  • notify a reviewer when a task is ready for review and assign to them

As an author, I want to be notified when a task is assigned to me 
  • notify the reviewer when a task is assigned to him/her for review

7Notifying user when any request in task has been modified It must notify user when any requests in task has been modified in request management toolAs an author, I want to be notified immediately when a request in my task has been modified so that I can have the latest information for authoring.   
8Searching a task on dashboard It must be able to search a task on dashboard by any column or text search

As an author, I want to search task by

  • title of task
  • assigned to me
  • reported by me
  • project name
  • status of task
  • text search (specify the fields in tasks that I want to search for)
  • search in a text search box
  • ascending/descending alphabet search of each column

Workflow of task


Authoring task workflow

Gliffy Diagram
nameTask Workflow in Phase 1

New: when a task is created by author, it will be in this state.

In progress: when an author starts working on a new task, it will enter this state. It includes editing, classification, validation, and rebasing (to discover conflicts between tasks in the same project).

In review: when an author clicks the 'Ready for review' button, it will enter this state. The authors with reviewing role will see this task in the 'Review Tasks' list on the dashboard.

Review completed: after a task is reviewed by reviewer and the task status has been manually changed from "Review in progress" to "Review complete in Review view, it will enter this state. 

Promoted: when a task is rebased with no conflicts and promoted to the project level in TS, it will enter this state.

Completed: when the task promoted to the project level with no conflicts and merged to the mainline, it will enter this state.



Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:


Not Doing

  • A JIRA ticket per concept