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StatusIn progress



Termdescription typeLanguage/acceptabilityLangauge/acceptabilityCase significance
[scale] [property] of [component] to [relative toinheres in] in [inheres indirect site] measured at [time aspect] in [direct site] by  by [technique] using [using device] [precondition] (observable entity)FSNUS:PTGB:PTci
[scale] [property] of [component] to [relative toinheres in] in [inheres indirect site] measured at   [time aspect] in [direct site] by  by [technique] using [using device] [precondition]PTUS:PTGB:PTci

Concept model:

Attribute Group CardinalityAttribute CardinalityAttribute Cardinality in Role GroupAttributeValueRole group cardinality
0..01.. 1N/A

Scg expression
116680003|Is a (attribute)|

Scg expression
363787002|Observable entity (observable entity)|

Scg expression
246093002 |Component (attribute)|
<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR
<< 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR
<< 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR
<< 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR
<< 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR
<< 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR
<< 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|


Scg expression
 370130000 |Property (attribute)|

Scg expression
< 118598001 |Property (qualifier value
)|1..11.. *
Scg expression
 704327008|Direct site (attribute)|
Scg expression<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product
| OR << 410607006
Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|

1..*1.. *

Scg expression
704319004 |Inheres in (attribute)|

Scg expression
<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR
<< 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR
<< 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR
<< 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR
<< 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR
<< 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR
<< 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)| OR
<< 125676002 |Person (person)|


Scg expression
 370132008|Scale type (attribute)|

Scg expression
<<  117362005 |Nominal value (qualifier value)|  OR
|Ordinal value (qualifier value)| OR <<
117364006 |Narrative value (qualifier value)|  OR
117365007 |Ordinal OR quantitative value (qualifier value)|
OR <<
 117444000 |Text value (qualifier value)|  OR
<<  26716007 |Qualitative (qualifier value)|  OR
398195001 |
Measurement scales (qualifier value)|


Scg expression
 246501002|Technique (attribute)|

Scg expression
<< 272394005 |Technique (qualifier value)| OR
<< 273249006 |Assessment scales (assessment scale)|


Scg expression
 370134009 |Time aspect (attribute)|

Scg expression
<<  7389001 |Time frame (qualifier value)|


Scg expression
 704326004 |Precondition (attribute)|

Scg expression
<< 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| OR
<< 703763000 |Precondition value (qualifier value)| OR
<< 71388002 |Procedure (procedure
)|0..*0.. 1
Scg expression
246514001 |Units (attribute)|
Scg expression< 767524001 |Unit of measure (qualifier value


Scg expression
424226004 |Using device (attribute)|

Scg expression
<< 49062001 |Device (physical object)|

1.. *

Scg expression
site (attribute)|

Scg expression
<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR
<< 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR
<< 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR
<< 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR
<< 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR
<< 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR
<< 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|

Definition status:  

Scg expression
900000000000073002 |Sufficiently defined by necessary conditions definition status (core metadata concept)|

Applies to:

< 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)|

Template language:

Scg expression
363787002|Observable entity (observable entity)|: 
[[~0~1..*]] 246093002 |Component (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|) @component]], 
[[~0 @roleGroup]] {  
[[~1..1]] 370130000 |Property (attribute)| = [[+id(<<< 118598001 |Property (qualifier value)|) @property]], 
[[~0..*]] 704327008|Direct site (attribute)| = [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR <<  123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|) @directSite]], 
[[~0~1..*]] 704319004 |Inheres in (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)| OR << 125676002 |Person (person)|) @inheresIn]], 
[[~0~1..*1]] 718497002 370132008|InherentScale locationtype (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 105590001117362005 |SubstanceNominal value (substancequalifier value)| OR << 123037004117364006 |BodyNarrative structurevalue (bodyqualifier structurevalue)| OR << 123038009117444000 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical objectText value (qualifier value)| OR << 37387300526716007 |Pharmaceutical / biologic productQualitative (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organismqualifier value)| OR <<< 419891008398195001 |RecordMeasurement artifactscales (recordqualifier artifactvalue)|) @inherentLocation@scaleType]], 
[[~0..*]] 704325000 |Relative to246501002|Technique (attribute)| = [[ +id (<< 105590001272394005 |SubstanceTechnique (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structurequalifier value)| OR << 123038009273249006 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|) @RelativeToAssessment scales (assessment scale)|) @technique]],
 [[~0~1..*]] 719715003 704327008|Relative to part ofDirect site (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR <<  123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|) @relativeToPartOf@directSite]],
[[~0..1]] 370132008|Scale type (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 117362005 |Nominal value (qualifier value)| OR << 117363000 |Ordinal value (qualifier value)| OR << 117364006 |Narrative value (qualifier value)| OR << 117365007 |Ordinal OR quantitative value (qualifier value)| OR << 117444000 |Text value (qualifier value)| OR << 26716007 |Qualitative (qualifier value)| OR << 30766002 |Quantitative (qualifier value)|) @scaleType]],
[[~0..*]] 246501002|Technique (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 272394005 |Technique (qualifier value)| OR << 273249006 |Assessment scales (assessment scale)|) @technique]],
[[~1..1]] 370134009 |Time aspect (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 7389001 |Time frame (qualifier value)|) @timeAspect]],
[[~0..*]] 704326004 |Precondition (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| OR << 703763000 |Precondition value (qualifier value)| OR << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|) @precondition]],
[[~0..1]] 246514001 |Units (attribute)| = [[+id (< 767524001 |Unit of measure (qualifier value)|) @units]],
[[~0..*]] 424226004 |Using device (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 49062001 |Device (physical object)|) @usingDevice]],
[[~0..*]] 704321009 |Characterizes (attribute)|  = [[+id (<< 719982003 |Process (qualifier value)|) @process ]]]] }

Rules for description generation:


  1. Apply rules from the LOINC Process document 
  2. Some of the Apply General rules for generating descriptions for templates;
  3. This is a general template. If additional attributes are included then the FSN needs to be updated accordingly.
  4. If the value of 'direct site' is essentially the same as the 'inheres in', then do not include "measured at [direct site]." For example, if the 'direct site' value is 122575003 |Urine specimen (specimen)| and the 'inheres in' value is 78014005 |Urine (substance)|, then "measured at urine" is not needed. The 'direct site' is only needed when it is different than the 'inheres in' value.
  5. When Characterizes (attribute) with value 1234914003 |Malignant proliferation of primary neoplasm (qualifier value)| is included, then "primary" should be populated in the slot [primary] in the FSN and PT. may apply

JIRA ticket: