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PrefixTables Using this PrefixTable NamesTable Content

One table with the full prefix is created for each component.

These tables are named full_[component-type] (e.g. full_concept, full_description, full_relationship)Each of these tables is populated with all the rows from the file (or files) representing this type component in the Full release subfolders.
One table with the full prefix is also created for each reference set type present in the release.The tables are named full_refset_[refset-type] (e.g. full_refset_Simple, full_refset_Language, full_refset_Association).Each of these tables is populated with all the rows from the file (or files) representing reference sets of this type in the Full release subfolders.

One table with the snap prefix is created for each component.These tables are named snap_[component-type] (e.g. snap_concept, snap_description, snap_relationship)Each of these tables is populated with all the rows from the file (or files) representing this type component in the Snapshot release subfolders.
One table with the snap prefix is also created for each reference set type present in the release.The tables are named snap_refset_[refset-type] (e.g. snap_refset_Simple, snap_refset_Language, snap_refset_Association).Each of these tables is populated with all the rows from the file (or files) representing reference sets of this type in the Snapshot release subfolders.

Additional tables with snap prefix are created to represent the transitive closure and

tproximal primitive supertype

The table are named snap_transclose and snap_proximal_primitives.The snap_transclose table is populated with all the rows from the transitive closure files generated during the SnomedRfsMySql import process. The snap_proximal_primitives table is populated with promimal proximal primitive relationships derived by processing the snap_transclose table.

Lookup and configuration files used by views and stored procedures.

  • See sections below in Views and Procedures for further information.

config_languageA table linking ISO language codes (e.g. en-US, en-GB, es) to the identifier of the relevant language reference set.

A table storing configuration settings that determine:

  1. The language reference set used to select synonyms and fully specified names
  2. The effectiveTime of two configurable retrospective snapshot views (snap1 and snap2)
  3. The effectiveTime range for two configurable delta views (delta1 and delta2)

A table linking a short text keys to commonly used concept ids. This is used to facilate facilitate constraining searches to concepts within these hierarchies without requiring the query to specify the full SNOMED CT identifier for the concept.

This is currently only used by the procedures snap_search_plus, snap_search1_plus and snap2_search_plus. In future it may also be used to support procedures with a common requirment for
