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t< 193570009 |Cataract (disorder)|

Template Language

64572001 |Disease (disorder)|: [[~0..1]] 42752001 |Due to (attribute)| = [[ +id (<< 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| OR << 272379006 |Event (event)| OR << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|) @due]], [[~0..1]] 255234002 |After (attribute)| = [[ +id ( << 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| OR << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|) @after]], [[~1..2]] { [[~1..1]] 116676008 |Associated morphology (attribute)| = 128305008 |Abnormally opaque structure (morphologic abnormality)|, [[~1..1]] 363698007 |Finding site (attribute)| = [[ +id( <<  78076003 |Structure of lens of eye (body structure)| ) @site]], [[~0..1]] 246454002 |Occurrence (attribute)| = [[ +id ( << 282032007 |Periods of life (qualifier value)|) @occurance]], [[~0..1]] 370135005 |Pathological process (attribute)| = [[ +id ( << 308489006 |Pathological process (qualifier value)|) @proc]], [[~0..1]] 246075003 |Causative agent (attribute)| = [[ +id ( < 105590001 |Substance (substance)|) @causeAgent]] }

Rules for description generation: 
