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  1. Remove semantic tag from the values of concept model, e.g. (body structure), (substance)
  2. Remove 'Structure of' from [body structure] if term starts with 'Structure of'   e.g. 709530002|Structure of phalanx of hand (body structure)| replaced by "phalanx of hand"
  3. Remove 'structure' from [body structure] if term contains 'structure', e.g. 69536005|Head structure (body structure)|   24097009replaced by "head",   24097009|Bone structure of hand (body structure)| replaced by "bone of hand"
  4. Case significance value needs to be generated by assess values from default static terms in template and variable terms from concept model. Please note, case significance values in template specification are only applicable to default terms. e.g. 
               CT of [body structure] has CS because of default term 'CT', 
               Allergy to [substance] has ci for default term "Allergy to". If value of [substance] is CS or cI, Allergy to [substance] should have value of cI.
  5. Preferred term(s) should be generated from the preferred terms of values in concept model. The automation for US/GB spelling variation should be applied.
  6. Description slot and associated text need to be removed if the optional attribute is absent in the logic model of a concept.
    1. remove "of [body structure]" from descriptions if |finding site| attribute is not present in concept model
    2. remove "caused by [substance]/[organism]" from descriptions if |causative agent| attribute is not present in concept model
    3. remove "due to [procedure]/[disorder]" from descriptions if |due to| attribute is not present in concept model.
  7. Some descriptions under |Periods of life (qualifier value)| as values for the attribute |Occurrence| are not suitable for generating new descriptions. The following description replacements should be applied for generating descriptions for templates.
    1. 767023003|Period of life beginning after birth and ending before death (qualifier value)|  -  replacement "acquired', e.g. Acquired deformity of spine (disorder)
    2. 263659003|Adolescence (qualifier value)| - replacement "adolescent" e.g. Adolescent mastitis (disorder)
    3. 41847000|Adulthood (qualifier value)| - replacement "adult", e.g. Adult periodontitis (disorder)