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Versions Compared


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  1. Remove the semantic tags, (substance) (unit of presentation) (dose form) and (qualifier value)      
  2. For clinical drug PT SI Unit of mass uses the PT which is an abbreviation e.g. mg   
  3. A Preferred Term (PT) for both US and GB dialect as per the substance concept terming must be added where there are US and GB spelling variations (language acceptability P/A) 
  4. Align case sensitivity with substance term  

  5. FSN = Product containing precisely [substance][number][SI unit FSN MINUS /actuation]/[1] each [dose form] (clinical drug)[substance] 

  6. PT = [SI unit PT MINUS /actuation] [dose form]

  7. If BOSS differs from precise active ingredient 
    FSN Product containing precisely [substance](as[substance]) [number][SI unit of mass]/[1] each [dose form] (clinical drug) e.g Product containing precisely doxazosin (as doxazosin mesilate) 8 milligram/1 each prolonged-release oral tablet (clinical drug)

    PT [substance] (as[substance]) [SI unit of mass PT] [dose form] e.g. US with GB language Acceptability:

     Doxazosin (as doxazosin mesylate) 8 mg prolonged-release oral tabletPreferred
    Doxazosin (as doxazosin mesilate) 8 mg prolonged-release oral tabletAcceptable

JIRA ticket for implementation:
