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Termdescription typeLanguage/acceptabilityLanguage/acceptabilityCase significance
[Morphology] of [ site ] due to [bite event] with infection caused by [organism] (disorder)FSNus:Pgb:Pci
[Bite event] [morphology] of [site] with infection caused by [organism]SYNus:Pgb:Pci
[Morphology] of [ site ] due to [bite event] with infection caused by [organism]SYNus:Agb:Aci

Concept model:


  1. Remove semantic tag from [disorder] concept 
  2. Preferred term should have a structure such as "Wound of upper arm due to animal bite" or " Open wound of upper arm due to dog bite"
  3. If description of event is part of description of associated morphology, the description of event can be omitted to avoid redundancy, e.g. Open bite wound of thigh (disorder) is modelled by due to = bite (event) and associated morphology = Open bite wound (morphologic abnormality)
  4. If description of associated morphology is part of description of event, the description of associated morphology can be omitted to avoid redundancy, e.g. Dog bite of forehead (disorder) is modelled by due to = Dog bite (event) and associated morphology = bite (morphologic abnormality).
  5. Remove 'caused by [organism]' from the description is |causative agent| is not present in the concept model

JIRA ticket:
