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Date: 2018-09-xx 

0800 - 1130 UTC

Zoom Meeting Details

SNOMED Int'l Editorial Advisory group  

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone:

Topic: SNOMED Editorial Advisory Group - April face-to-face Part 1

Time: Apr 10, 2018 9:00 AM London

Meeting Files

Meeting recording

The folder containing the meeting recordings is located here.


  • Obtain consensus on agenda items

Discussion items

1Call to order and role callJCA


Conflicts of interest

JCAGRE - Contractor to SI, Principal in TermMed

9SNOMED International Quality Improvement InitiativeJCA

The SNOMED quality initiative has been kicked off and a pilot project to test the proposed strategy has been completed.

Information about the project can be found at:

Quality Improvements 2018

A number of templates are being created to support the automated reconstruction of subhierarchies.ECE UpdateBGO

12SNOMED Core, context andJCA

A draft discussion paper related to prior "naked kernel" discussions has been posted for review by the EAG members. This is the primary discussion topic for this meeting.

EAG members to discuss the "Naked kernal discussion" paper

Agenda planning for VancouverJCA, EAG

13Future meetingJCA