SNOMED Documentation Search

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The old pattern used for Concepts was{sctid}

which is now replaced by


The grouping role URI was

and is now

For the OWL XML representation, the URI was unspecified (the empty string), while for the OWL Functional Syntax representation the URI was (via RDF:about)

and now includes explicit version information


When representing SNOMED CT ontologies using OWL 2, both an ontologyURI and a versionURI should be included using the following forms respectively

Footnote Macro

See OWL 2 Web Ontology Language Structural Specification and Functional-Style Syntax



The CTS2 specification requires that all resources be identified using URIs. This section lists, where such a thing exists, the IHTSDO SNOMED International standard URIs for the resources that require URIs in the CTS2 implementation. This omits URIs for things such as External Code Systems and Value Sets since they are outside the scope of the SNOMED CT URI Standard. Note, however, that a Reference Set is the SNOMED CT mechanism for identifying an arbitrary set of Concepts, which is analogous to a Value Set. Thus the Reference Set URI would be the appropriate thing to use as the Value Set identifier.


Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR™)

Footnote Macro


defines a set of 'resources' to represent health and healthcare administration-related information. Rather than OIDs, FHIR uses URIs to identify code systems, usually along with an associated version string. The code system is intended to characterise the set of valid codes, hence the recommended URI to use for this is:
