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  • The Definition editing sub-panel has four actions: editing the definition(s), optimizing the definition(s), exporting definitions and importing definitions.
  • Editing the Definition
    • Click on the pencil icon to bring up the "Definition Clauses" form

    • An additional clause can be entered into the text box.  Click the add button to add the clause to the list.
    • Click the negated clause if the components of this clause should be removed from the reference set.
    • Click the 'Recompute' button when the clauses are completely defined.  The refset members on the main pane will adjust accordingly.
  • Optimizing the Definition
    • Click on the merging arrows icon to optimize the definition clauses.  This will remove any extraneous clauses that produce members which are completely contained within other clauses.
  • Exporting the Definition
    • Click on the down arrow to export the definition clauses to a file.
    • Choose the export format on the Export Definition form.  Click the Epport button.
  • Importing the Definition
    • Click on the up arrow icon to import definition clauses.
    • Note: Importing definition clause(s) will not augment any definition clauses already on the refset, rather it will replace the current definition after a confirm dialog.