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Scg expression
900000000000073002|Defined (core metadata concept)|

Applies To:

Scg expression
<<  763158003 |Medicinal product (product)|  :  411116001 |Has manufactured dose form (attribute)|  = <  736542009 |Pharmaceutical dose form (dose form)| ,  {733725009 |Has concentration strength numerator unit (attribute)| = < 767524001 |Unit of measure (qualifier value)|}

Template Language

Scg expression
763158003 |Medicinal product (product)|  : 
[[~1..1]]  411116001 |Has manufactured dose form (attribute)|  = [[ +id( <  736542009 |Pharmaceutical dose form (dose form)| ) @form]],
[[~1..1]]  1142139005 |Count of base of active ingredient (attribute)|  = [[ int(>#0..) @baseCount]], 
[[~0..1]]  1142141006 |Count of base and modification pair (attribute)|  = [[ int(>#0..) @baseModCount]], 
[[~0..1]]  1142140007 |Count of active ingredient (attribute)|  = [[ int(>#0..) @ingredCount]], 
[[~1..*]] { 
[[~1..1]]  762949000 |Has precise active ingredient (attribute)|  = [[ +id( <  105590001 |Substance (substance)| ) @ingred]], 
[[~1..1]]  732943007 |Has basis of strength substance (attribute)|  = [[ +id( <  105590001 |Substance (substance)| ) @boss]], 
[[~1..1]]  1142138002 |Has concentration strength numerator value (attribute)| = [[ dec(>#0..) @concentStrenNumVal]], 
[[~1..1]]  733725009 |Has concentration strength numerator unit (attribute)| = [[ +id( < 767524001 |Unit of measure (qualifier value)| ) @concentStrenNumUnit]], 
[[~1..1]]  1142137007 |Has concentration strength denominator value (attribute)|  = #1, 
[[~1..1]] 733722007 |Has concentration strength denominator unit (attribute)| = [[ +id( < 767524001 |Unit of measure (qualifier value)| ) @concentStrenDenomUnit]]}
