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Nutrition and Dietetic Clinical Reference Group


18 September 2023

Recording (GoogleDrive)

Discussion items


Welcome/Roll Call

  • New member (Vanessa Cuillerier, Piraveena Piremathasan) introductions
  • SNOMED Expo Registration and Program- October 26-27, Atlanta, GA
    • Thursday, October 26, 2023, 13:30-14:00 Eastern Time US

C. Papoutsakis. The Global Journey of the Nutrition Care Process Terminology (NCPT): Representing Nutrition Care in SNOMED CT

Reminder: calls are recorded

Archived content for NCPT CPG

D. Pertel

All were welcomed to the call and new members were introduced. There is still time to sign up for the SNOMED Expo where C. Papoutsakis will provide a presentation.


Agenda review and approval of minutes

02.1 May June 2023 minutes

C. Papoutsakis
D. Pertel
The agenda was approved by consensus and then corrected to reflect it is the June minutes under review. The June 2023 minutes were approved by consensus.

Nutrition Reference Set Communications

03.1 NRC talking points review

03.2 Identify 2 volunteers to work on drafting newsletter article (for country, interest group use) and Journal submission (joint SNOMED CRG and NCPTC)

D. Pertel
The talking points were supported for the NRCs are available to everyone. All are encouraged to forge relationships with their National Release Centers (NRCs) in their countries. No volunteers were identified yet from the CPG to work on the newsletter or JAND article, so please reach out to to be involved in this important work.

Nutrition and Dietetics Clinical Reference Group Project Discussion 

04.1 Project discussion document

04.2 Dietary product (product) subhierarchy review

04.3 Feeding and dietary regime (regime/therapy) subhierarchy review

04.4 Select project and identify 2 volunteers to work on hierarchy revision

D. Pertel

The CRG supported working on the Feeding and dietary regime (regime/therapy) project first since the expertise for this project is present on the CRG, it will be a bit more straight forward project, and learning about the SNOMED processes for this project will happen before tackling a more difficult project such as the products subhierarchy. Vanessa Cuillerier offered to assist with the dietary regime portion of the project. Other individuals are welcome to join in this work, so please reach out to to be involved.


SNOMED Updates

05.1 SNOMED Briefing note review

05.2 Inactivation of content containing Patient

D. Pertel

E. Wooler

The briefing notes released in August were reviewed. Comment on one briefing note related to Racial and Ethnic groups was revised to: Provide support for an approach to collect this information only when it is useful and needed for care. When standardized definitions can be identified, that would facilitate improved interoperability.

The item, Inactivation of content containing Patient, was not covered and will be carried over to the next meeting due to time constraints.

6AdjournmentD. Pertel

Next meeting: November 20, 2023

No October Meeting

Previous Meetings

Content Report Table