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Versions Compared


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Template language:

Scg expression
363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| : 
[[~1..1]] {[[~1..1]]  370130000 |Property (attribute)|  = [[+id( 6030001000004102 |Histologic type (property) (qualifier value)| )@property]]}, 
[[~1..1]] {[[~1..1]]  704319004 |Inheres in (attribute)|  = [[+id (<<  416939005 |Proliferative mass (morphologic abnormality)| ) @inheresIn]]}, 
[[~0..1]] {[[~0..1]]  718497002 |Inherent location (attribute)|  = [[+id (<<  91723000 |Anatomical structure (body structure)| ) @inherentLocation]]}, 
[[~0..1]] {[[~0..1]]  370132008 |Scale type (attribute)|  = [[+id ( 117362005 |Nominal value (qualifier value)| ) @scaleType]]},
[[~0..1]] {[[~0..1]]  370134009 |Time aspect (attribute)|  = [[+id ( 123029007 |Single point in time (qualifier value)| ) @timeAspect]]},   
[[~0..1]] {[[~0..1]]  704321009 |Characterizes (attribute)|  =  1234914003 |Malignant proliferation of primary neoplasm (qualifier value)| @characterizes },
[[~0..1]]  704321009 |{[[~0..1]]  246093002 |Component (attribute)| = 405933007 |Nephrogenic rest (morphologic abnormality)| @component},
[[~0..1]] {[[~0..1]]  246501002 |Technique (attribute)| = [[(+id <<254291000 |Staging and scales (staging scale)| OR 702666009 |Cytology technique (qualifier value)|) @technique]]  }

Link to the misaligned concept report:
