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Page properties

StatusIn progress


Version in PROD


Termdescription typeLanguage/acceptabilityLanguage/acceptabilityCase significance

Harmful pattern of use of  [substance and/or product] (disorder)


Harmful pattern of use of  [substance and/or product]

[substance and/or product] abuseSYNus:Agb:Aci

Concept model:

Attribute CardinalityAttribute cardinality in role groupAttributeValue

Scg expression
116680003|Is a (attribute)|

Scg expression
66214007 |Substance abuse (disorder)|


Scg expression
263502005 |Clinical course (attribute)|

Scg expression
< 288524001 |Courses (qualifier value)|


Scg expression
246075003|Causative agent (attribute)|

Scg expression
<< 105590001|Substance (substance)| OR << 373873005|Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)|

Definition status:  

Scg expression
900000000000073002|Defined (core metadata concept)|

Applies to:

Scg expression
<< 66214007 |Substance abuse (disorder)|

Template language

Scg expression
66214007 |Substance abuse (disorder)|: 
[[~0..1]] {[[~0..1]] 263502005 |Clinical course (attribute)| = [[+id ( < 288524001 |Courses (qualifier value)| ) @course]]}, 
[[~1..1 @rolegroup]]{
[[~1..1]] 246075003 |Causative agent (attribute)| = [[ +id (< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR < 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)|) @causative]] }

Rules for generating descriptions:

  1. Apply General rules for generating descriptions for templates

EDITORIAL GUIDELINES for Causative agent (attribute):


Concept type



Examples and Notes


Concepts representing a substance base should be modeled using a Causative agent that is a descendant of 105590001 |Substance (substance)|.


  • 724694006 |Harmful pattern of use of caffeine (disorder)|

Classification results are expected to be consistent with the modeling of the concept selected as the Causative agent in the Substance hierarchy.

      • No use case has been identified for use of this concept type for modeling in this subhierarchy.
SubstanceStructure grouperyesnone

Concepts representing a structure grouper should be modeled using a Causative agent that is a descendant of 105590001 |Substance (substance)|.

  • 1737336003 |Synthetic cannabinoid abuse (disorder)|

Classification results are expected to be consistent with the modeling of the concept selected as the Causative agent in the Substance hierarchy.

SubstanceDisposition grouperyesnone

Concepts representing a disposition grouper should be modeled using a Causative agent that is a descendant of 105590001 |Substance (substance)|.

  • 5602001 |Opioid abuse (disorder)|

Classification results are expected to reflect that the adverse reaction concepts are descendants of the appropriate disposition grouper based on the modeling of the 726542003 |Has disposition (attribute)| attribute in the substance hierarchy.

SubstanceRole groupernonone

Role groupers in the Substance hierarchy will be inactivated in a future release and should not be used for modeling in this subhierarchy. (Agreed 21-Jan-2020)

ProductMedicinal product-containingyesnone

Examples to be added - pending implementation of roles and products as causative agents

ProductRole grouperyesnone

Examples to be added - pending implementation of roles and products as causative agents

ProductStructure groupernonone

No use case has been identified for use of this concept type for modeling in this subhierarchy. Medicinal product-containing concepts can be used for modeling in this subhierarchy.

ProductDisposition groupernononeNo use case has been identified for use of this concept type for modeling in this subhierarchy. Medicinal product-containing concepts can be used for modeling in this subhierarchy.
ProductMedicinal product-onlynononeNo use case has been identified for use of this concept type for modeling in this subhierarchy. Medicinal product-containing concepts can be used for modeling in this subhierarchy.
ProductMedicinal product form-containingnononeNo use case has been identified for use of this concept type for modeling in this subhierarchy. Medicinal product-containing concepts can be used for modeling in this subhierarchy.
ProductMedicinal product form-onlynononeNo use case has been identified for use of this concept type for modeling in this subhierarchy. Medicinal product-containing concepts can be used for modeling in this subhierarchy.
ProductClinical drugnononeNo use case has been identified for use of this concept type for modeling in this subhierarchy. Medicinal product-containing concepts can be used for modeling in this subhierarchy.

JIRA ticket for implementation: