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The : A representation of a medicinal product as it is supplied in a package for placement into the supply chain, based on description of and quantity of the clinical drug(s) contained within that package. As an abstract class, the Packaged Clinical Drug is placed on the left hand side of the overall model, relating directly to the Clinical Drug class in the international core by means of a composition relationship, but its population is the responsibility of national extensions since the amount of content needed to support this internationally would be overwhelming and unmanageable in maintenance and verification.

This definition supports the description of kit or combination products (medicinal products that are composed of more than one Clinical Drug clinical drug - such as a package containing fluconazole oral capsules and clotrimazole cream for treatment of vaginal thrush ) as Packaged Clinical Drugsas packaged clinical drugs, and therefore the pack size information for each Clinical Drug clinical drug that is a component in the package is grouped together. Further detail on the description of combination products (multi-component or kit products) is given in Section 11 below.below.

Use Cases

The following use cases are supported by the Packaged Clinical Drug concept class:

  • Reimbursement: national or local systems may set pricing or eligibility against an abstract representation of real packaged products (e.g. for interchangeability and substitution)
  • As a linking class from the international core to the Real Packaged Clinical Drug class for any national extension that did not require a Real Clinical Drug class (i.e. if all products are authorised in their packaged form)
  • To support description of combination packaged products


Packs of medicinal products must be represented using the closed world view; they contain only the clinical drug content stated.  The packaged clinical drug class is related to the clinical drug class by a composition relationship relationship, the package contains the clinical drug.  To correctly describe that this and so to ensure that pack concepts classify correctly, so that packs that contain more than one (type of) clinical drug (i.e. combination packs) do not classify as children of packs that contain only one type of clinical drug, it is necessary to use a "clinical drug count" attribute as a proxy for the closed world view. This mirrors , in a similar way to the use of the active ingredient count attribute used for active ingredient in the MP only concepts, MPF only concepts and CD concepts in the main medicinal product hierarchy. By clinical drug concepts.   By using a "count" attribute in the definition of Clinical Drug and Package closed world concepts, when concreted domains are implemented in the SNOMED CT overall concept model, the count information will be is machine processable ; similarly and therefore if/when a more expressive description logic becomes available to properly represent the closed world view, then all the count attributes can be removed used to transfer to the closed world description logic consistently.

Gliffy Diagram
displayNamePCD diagram
namePCD diagram

Figure 28: Diagram of the packaged clinical drug class and its composition relationship to clinical drug, with an example (Zocor)

The national extension model does not represent intermediate layers of packaging; it represents only the outer package used in the supply chain. Describing "sub-packs" (e.g. tablets within blister sleeves, which are then within a container such as a box) is complex for a description logic based model and is currently out of scope for this initial version of the national extension specification. In most nations, sub-packs are re are primarily used for supply chain management and reimbursement purposes, and possibly rounding of dispense amounts so that sub packs are not split. Many medicinal product terminologies do not represent sub-packs.  ISO 11615, the Medicinal Product part of the IDMP suite of standards, has a full sub-pack mode, but the sub-packs themselves are not identified concepts and so are not available for mapping etc.; however the GS1 implementation of ISO TS 16791 does include identification of sub packs. The basic model described here does not deal with sub-packs; a concept model for sub-packs will not be undertaken until there are requests with confirmed clinical use cases. See also Appendix 2.

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Figure 16: Diagram the Packaged Clinical Drug class and its composition relationship to Clinical Drug, with an example 

Existing national terminology equivalents:

    • UK's NHS dm+d this is the Virtual Medicinal Product Pack (VMPP) class
    • The AMT/NZULM it is the Medicinal Product Pack
    • In Ireland, this is in effect those packaged products on the Representative Pricing list
    • The generic pack (GPCK) class in RxNorm



The following is described for Packaged Clinical Drugs table describes the attributes for packaged clinical drugs that contain one Clinical Drug only, that type of clinical drug only. That is they are NOT combination (multi-component or kit) products. See Section 11 below for Combination Products. 

The packaged clinical drug The Packaged Clinical Drug class is related to the Clinical Drug clinical drug class by a composition relationship relationship, and therefore the attribute "contains clinical drug" is used to make the association between the Packaged Clinical Drug packaged clinical drug and the Clinical Drugs clinical drugs it contains. 

Representation of packaged medicinal products should use Clinical Drugs clinical drugs that have presentation strength (either only or in addition to concentration strength) whenever possible in order to be able to accurately describe the number of presentation units present in the package. The exception will be for continuous products such as semi-solid dose forms of creams, gels etc. where strength pattern 3a is used (see international Editorial Guidelines). In all cases the pack size and pack size unit should relate to the denominator unit of the strength.

Semantic tag(packaged clinical drug)
Definition status

Scg expression
900000000000073002 |Sufficiently defined concept definition status (core metadata concept)
Relationship groupOne relationship group containing one instance of each of the following attributes is required for each clinical drug that the packaged clinical drug is composed of.


Contains clinical drug

  • Range: 763158003 |Medicinal product (product)| - descendants only (see Note 1 below)
  • Cardinality: 1..1

The attribute value should represent the clinical drug that is contained in the packaged product


Count of clinical drug type

  • Range: 260299005|Number (qualifier value) - descendants only
  • Cardinality: 1..1

This attribute value should represent the count of distinct Clinical Drugs present in the pack


Has pack size

  • Range: 260299005|Number (qualifier value) - descendants only
  • Cardinality: 1..1 (per relationship group)

The attribute value should represent the amount or quantity of clinical drug present in the package (see 10.3 below)


Has pack size unit

  • Range: 258666001|Unit (qualifier value) - descendants only
  • Cardinality: 1..1 (per relationship group)

The attribute value should represent the units for the amount or quantity of clinical drug present in the package (see 10.3 below)



Scg expression
1142143009 |Count of clinical drug type|


  • INT (integer)


  • 1..1


  • This attribute provides the number (count) of distinct clinical drug (concepts) present in the package.  For all non-combination packages, this value should be "one"

Role Group 

(although for all packages other than combination products it is 1..1)


Scg expression
774160008 |Contains clinical drug|


  • Scg expression
    < 763158003 |Medicinal product (product)|


  • 1..1


  • This attribute value represents the clinical drug that is contained in the packaged product
    It is currently not possible to explicitly specify an expression to describe the range


  • of clinical drugs to populate this attribute, since (for example) a range cannot currently recognise a set of concepts with a particular semantic tag - in this case "(clinical drug)". This may be possible in the future; alternatively the range expression might be expressed as: "all products with a dose form, precise ingredient substance and basis of strength substance". For the interim, the range is specified as the descendants of the root medicinal product concept: 763158003 |Medicinal product (product)|. 



Scg expression
1142142004 |Has pack size|


  • INT (integer)


  • 1..1


  • This attribute represents the amount or quantity of clinical drug present in the package; for presentation strength it is the number of countable units of presentation in the package; for concentration strength it is the mass or volume of the continuous dose form in the package


Scg expression
774163005 |Has pack size unit|


  • Scg expression
    <  767524001 |Unit of measure (qualifier value)|


  • 1..1


  • This attribute value represents the unit of measure of the pack size;  for presentation strength it is the unit of presentation in the package; for concentration strength it is the unit of mass (e.g. gram) or volume (e.g. millilitre) of the continuous dose form in the package. 
    More specific range expressions such as "


  • One of EITHER 732935002 | Unit of presentation (unit of presentation) - descendants only


  • OR 258680008 | Unit of mass (qualifier value) - descendants only OR 258769000 | Unit of volume (qualifier value) - descendants only" are currently not supported, nor are rules based on the strength patterns that (for example) assert "if the clinical drug has a unit of presentation of 'tablet' then the Has_pack_size_unit will be valued as 'tablet").


Example Diagrams

Some examples of packaged clinical drug (PCD) concepts are shown below.

Stated template view:

Gliffy Diagram
displayNamePCD template
namePCD template

Figure 29: Template for simple packaged clinical drug

Example: single active ingredient substance presentation strength packaged clinical drug: stated view followed by the inferred view

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Figure 30: Example of a presentation strength


Stated template view:

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Figure 17: Template for Packaged Clinical Drug

Example (stated view):

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Figure 18: Example of a packaged clinical drug - stated view

Example (inferred view):

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Figure 31: Example of a presentation strength packaged clinical drug - inferred view

Example: single active ingredient substance presentation strength packaged clinical drug: stated view followed by the inferred view

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Figure 32: Example of a concentration strength packaged clinical drug - stated view

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Figure 33Figure 19: Example of a concentration packaged clinical drug - inferred view



Additional Information

The following information may be additionally used to describe the Packaged Clinical Drug packaged clinical drug concept in a national extension. The attribute concepts and values to populate these if this data is to be held in a structured form, may be available in the international release in the future, particularly for those concepts such as package/container types that have international applicability and which can be sourced and maintained reliably.

  • Package/container type (e.g. bottle, box, jar, tube) - see 10.6 
  • Administration device supplied in the package (e.g. medicine spoon, vaginal applicator, applicator brush for cutaneous liquid products)

Use cases supported by Packaged Clinical Drug

The following use cases are supported by the Packaged Clinical Drug concept class:

  • Reimbursement: national or local systems may set pricing or eligibility against an abstract representation of real packaged products (e.g. for interchangeability and substitution)
  • As a linking class from the international core to the Packaged Product class for any national extension that did not require a Real Clinical Drug class (i.e. if all products are authorised in their packaged form)
  • To support description of combination packaged products, if the quantity of each component in the combination packaged product is required


IDMP Compatibility

There is no representation of a class similar to the Packaged Clinical Drug concept class; the primary use case for this class beyond support for generic representation of combination products is reimbursement, which is out of scope of IDMP. Combination products in their entirety are only represented in IDMP in their authorised form; there is no PhP type representation for them.