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The purpose of this page is to track CRG priorities and work related to cleanup of the | Clinical finding (finding)| hierarchy for perception concepts. The concept review is being performed iteratively as follows:

  • Initial review of all concepts in the | Hallucination (clinical finding) | subhierarchy was performed; outdate concepts and erroneous subsumption relationships were identified and documented
  • Initial review of concepts related to perception were performed and inconsistencies and gaps in the observable entity hierarchy were identified and discussed with the observable entity advisory group
  • Current work is focused on cleaning up the observable entity concepts as this is a pre-requisite to cleaning up any of the 

Next Steps

Observable entity concepts require clean up

  • Piper Allyn Ranalloworking with Daniel Karlsson and Elaine Wooler on a plan for appropriately modeling the observables required to accurately model |hallucination (finding)| concepts, as well as the larger set of |psychological finding of perception (finding)| concepts..

Action Items

Action Item

  •  Initial review of | hallucination (finding) |  subhierarchy
  •  Initial review of observable entity concepts related to perception and sensation (led byUma Vaidyanathan)
  •  Discussion with observable entity advisory group to understand each of the types of observable entities, and how to model the relationship between function type observables and process type observables


Slide examples.ppt

  •  xxvasdvsdv