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SNOMED CT E-Learning Courses

SNOMED International offers online SNOMED CT training courses. To view the range of courses available or to enrol in a course, please visit our Course Catalogue provides a range of Education offerings. The set of courses, learning pathways, and certification exams is introduced below.

titleCourse Catalogue and E-Learning Platform

To enrol in all SNOMED CT courses and certification exams, please visit our SNOMED CT course catalogue at


/ and select the relevant education product.

Our E-Learning Platform, which hosts the majority of our education offerings can be accessed at


SNOMED CT Foundation Course


  • Foundation course

      Applications are permanently open and all applicants should be offered a start date within 4 to 6 weeks of receipt of their application. Study is self-paced and is expected to require a total of 30-35 hours. The course must be completed within a maximum of four months but it is possible to complete it within as little as two weeks.

      SNOMED CT Implementation Course

        • The course aims to provide authoritative coverage of a broad range of topics related to SNOMED CT at a relatively basic level. It also enables the growth of more detailed understanding of SNOMED CT by enabling those who complete this course to join more advanced SNOMED CT E-Learning courses in the future.


      • Implementation course
            • This course builds on the knowledge gained during the SNOMED CT Foundation course. It provides an understanding of SNOMED CT that is sufficient for those engaged in various parts of the implementation process – from the decision to adopt SNOMED CT, through to specification and procurement and/or design and development of SNOMED CT enabled solutions, to deployment and practical use.


          Successful completion of the Foundation Course is a prerequisite for applying for this course. New intakes occur in January and July each year and capacity of each intake is limited. The course duration is around 7 months with an estimated time commitment of 20-30 hours per month.

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          Authoring Level 1 Course

          This course is initially aimed at National Release Center staff in Member countries that are developing or planning to develop a National Extension. It may also be of interest to other organizations that are developing SNOMED CT Extensions.

          Successful completion of the Foundation Course is a prerequisite for applying for this course. New intakes occur in March and September each year and capacity of each intake is limited. The course duration is around 5 months with an estimated time commitment of 20-30 hours per month.

          Presentation Library

          A small collection of open SNOMED CT Starter presentations can be viewed without the need to login to an account on the server. They provide an introduction to some of the key benefits and features of SNOMED CT. This is a good place to start learning informally before joining a course. A growing collection of additional online presentations are available in the Presentation Library to those who have created an account on the E-Learning Server.

          SNOMED CT Challenge

          The SNOMED CT Challenge is a randomly generated test consisting of ten questions. This open access service but requires you either to create an account or to login using a temporary anonymous account.

          Other Educational Materials

          The E-Learning Server also includes a set of pages that provides access to Other Educational Resources. The materials referenced in these pages are not part of the E-Learning service provided by SNOMED International. However, they include many interesting conference presentations related to SNOMED CT as well as links to SNOMED CT educational services provided by Members.


          • Authoring Level 1 course
            • This course teaches you the knowledge and skills needed to perform basic SNOMED CT authoring tasks. Students will have the opportunity to learn and practice authoring tasks using a training version of SNOMED International’s authoring platform. Authoring exercises will be performed in a fictitious extension.
          • Terminology Services course
            • This course teaches the principles of using a SNOMED CT terminology server to search and retrieve SNOMED CT content, using two terminology service APIs - a native SNOMED CT API (Snowstorm) and the standard HL7 FHIR terminology service API.

          Learning Pathways

          SNOMED International's learning pathways contain a collection of E-Learning resources designed to teach a specific SNOMED CT skill set in a flexible way. Learning pathways currently available include:

          • SNOMED CT for Developers - The goal of this learning pathway is to teach you enough about SNOMED CT in as short as possible a time to enable you to develop software applications that leverage its capabilities.
          • SNOMED CT for Data Analysts - The goal of this learning pathway is to provide a solid understanding of how SNOMED CT can be used to support your clinical data analytics requirements.
          • SNOMED CT for Clinicians -The goal of this learning pathway is to provide an introduction to the why, what and how of SNOMED CT from a clinical perspective.

          Certification Exams

          SNOMED International's certification exams allow individuals to be recognized for their capabilities in specific skill areas. Currently, SNOMED International offers two certification exams:

          • SNOMED CT Authoring Level 1 Certification - This certification recognizes your competence in performing basic SNOMED CT authoring tasks.
          • Terminology Services Certification - The SNOMED CT Terminology Services certification is a formal recognition of your competence in using SNOMED CT terminology services to search and retrieve SNOMED CT content.

          Education Benefits for Members

          As part of the 'Enhanced Membership Benefits', each Member is entitled to the following education benefits:

          • Free SNOMED CT Foundation Course for all registrants from Member countries/territories
          • Membership discount for all education courses offered
          • NRC access to two free registrations annually for each education course offered
          • NRC access to one free certification exam annually

          Participants will be offered a membership discount (including free enrolment in the Foundation Course) automatically when they login to their E-Learning account during the enrolment process. Discounts are calculated, based on the participant's registered country/territory.

          SNOMED National Release Centers (NRCs) can claim their free NRC enrolment in any of our courses or certification exams by emailing to request a 'Member free' voucher. This voucher can be used to register for free via our Course Catalogue. Please include the name and email of the person who will be enrolling, and the course intake in which they would like to participate. We will then send the voucher to the selected participant. All 'Member free' voucher allocations must be approved by the Member Forum representative in the respective Member country/territory.

          Please note that NRCs can claim their free enrolments in each of our courses and certifications every year - so please take advantage of this offer to educate your local team.

          Education Partnerships

          SNOMED International seeks to establish partnerships with organizations within our Member countries and territories, who would be interested in translating one or more of our Education offerings into their native language. For more information, please contact either our Head of Education, Linda Bird (, or send a request to our education helpdesk (  

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          SNOMED In Action

          SNOMED International has a website called SNOMED In Action, which offers Members and other users an opportunity to register SNOMED CT deployments and provide various details about specific SNOMED CT implementation and usages. Other Members and users may be inspired to follow these examples, or get in contact with persons and institutions that have been involved with specific SNOMED CT implementations.


          Whether an NRC develops its own training materials or modifies resources provided by SNOMED International, it is important that any explanation of SNOMED CT be accurate and in accordance with the formal SNOMED CT specifications. Therefore, the NRC should regularly review the its SNOMED CT related training materials to ensure alignment with updates to International materials.

          If an NRC takes on the education of the national Affiliates and users, it is important that staff of the NRC have a broad and deep understanding of the different implementation levels and possibilities and can facilitate requests from different user groups. Alternatively, the NRC can advise or direct Affiliates to places and persons where they can get the appropriate guidance. The NRC must therefore be aware of people, nationally or internationally, who have the appropriate skillsets to educate and guide users on specific topics. A combination of internal and external resources to provide training and education is a reasonable solution for many NRCs.
