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This page provides information on planned changes to upcoming SNOMED International Release packages in three sections:

  1. EARLY VISIBILITY OF PROPOSED CONTENT CHANGES (with provisional release date)
  2. EARLY VISIBILITY OF PUBLISHED CHANGES (with confirmed release date)

Please submit any feedback relating to the items below to


2024 Proposed Content Changes


Planned Release timing

(*this is provisional only and is subject to change)

1.Body Structure

Inactivation of 9258009|Gravid uterus structure (body structure)|

This concept will be inactivated, content that is modeled with this concept will be remodeled with a site of 35039007|Uterine structure (body structure)| along with occurrence <<307159006|Pregnancy time period (qualifier value)|.  

The domain of 246454002 |Occurrence (attribute)| has been extended in the October 2023 release to include << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)| to support these content changes. Content areas that will be updated include 386811000|Fetal procedure (procedure)| and 386637004|Obstetric procedure (procedure)|.

Q1 2024 International Release
2.Body Structure

Inactivation of Concepts Specified Male/Female in Descriptions

Subtypes of 67770001 |Male mammary gland structure (body structure)| and 91532001 |Female mammary gland structure (body structure)| and their associated disorder and specimen concepts.  Further information is available here (Confluence log in required).

Q1 2024 International Release
3.Clinical Finding

Update for Concepts Using 'Caused by'

Clinical finding concepts containing "Caused by" in their FSN will be reviewed and will be updated (if applicable) according to the editorial guidelines related to causation here. 

There is one area where work is still in progress:  

  • Clinical finding caused by radiation.
2024 International Release

Update Hierarchy 363680008|Radiographic imaging Procedure (procedure)|and Descendants

A Briefing Note documenting the proposed changes for the hierarchy 363680008|Radiographic imaging procedure (procedure)| and descendants was shared with the Editorial Advisory Group, Clinical Leads Group, Member Forum, Content Managers Advisory Group, and other key stakeholders in July 2023.

Feedback was received from a wide range of stakeholders. In response to this feedback, the proposed changes to the hierarchy have been modified. These modifications will address issues raised in the feedback.

This Informational Briefing Note summarizes the changes that will be implemented.

Implementation of the content changes will commence in Q4 2023. The updates will be implemented in sub-hierarchies and promoted over a number of international monthly releases until complete.

First phase of content updates planned for promotion Q1 2024.

5.Content Improvement

Updates to the Inactivation Reason and Historical Association for 'On Examination' and 'Complaining of' Inactive Content

Many of the 'on examination' and 'complaining of' concepts were previously inactivated with the inactivation reason of |Moved elsewhere| with a historical association value |Extension Namespace 1000000|.

This content will be updated with an inactivation reason of |Non-conformance to editorial policy| and a historical association of |Alternative| to a suitable international concept. 

Q1 2024 International Release
6.Social Context

Ethnic/Racial Group Social Context Content Inactivation

The subtypes of 372148003 |Ethnic group (ethnic group)| and 415229000 |Racial group (racial group)| will be inactivated as they are out of scope for the International Edition.  A briefing note is available here.

In discussion - to be determined
7.Clinical Finding/Procedure

Patient/Subject concepts in the Clinical finding and Procedure Hierarchies

Concepts in the Clinical finding and Procedure hierarchies that contain the explicit context of patient or subject will be inactivated and replaced with concepts without this explicit context. For further information please see briefing note.

Q1 2024 International Release
8.Procedure/Observable EntityEvaluation Procedure vs Observable Entity

The Senior Management Team (SMT) recently agreed on a proposed solution to resolve the duplication between the evaluation procedure and observable entity hierarchies. The resolution includes moving the majority of the evaluation procedures to the observable entity hierarchy while retaining the original concept id during the move.

The semantic tag will be updated from evaluation procedure to observable entity, and updates in terming and modeling to align with the observable entity model are expected. This move will allow for concepts of multiple granularities to be classified in a single hierarchy.

Non-defining annotations for “order only,” “observation only,” or “both order and observation” may be added to the concepts to assist with certain use cases. Note that some content areas of evaluation procedures such as panels and procedure methods will not be addressed at this time.

A projected timeline of changes will be developed and shared with the community. Editorial and implementation guidance will be provided with this project. Please see the briefing note for further information.

In discussion - to be determined


Inactivation of 277132007|Therapeutic procedure (procedure)

The concept 277132007 |Therapeutic procedure (procedure) will be inactivated with the inactivation reason of Outdated and a replacement association target of 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|. The nearly 2000 descendants will be reviewed as to the appropriateness of either the Has intent (attribute) of Therapeutic intent, or a Method (attribute) of Therapy - action.

For further information please see briefing note.

Q1 2024 International Release
10.Content Improvement

Urinary Bladder

Following feedback from translation, descriptions for concepts that contain the word 'bladder' and the site of 89837001|Urinary bladder structure (body structure)| will be updated to include 'urinary' in the FSN and PT, for example:

126885006|Neoplasm of bladder (disorder)

will be updated to

126885006|Neoplasm of urinary bladder (disorder).

January 2024 International Release

Update for 73632009 |Laparoscopy (procedure)| and Subtypes 

There will be a bulk update to align 73632009 |Laparoscopy (procedure)| and subtypes with the template here:

These changes include the addition of INCISION ROLE GROUP and INSPECTION ROLE GROUP for all Laparoscopic procedures. 

Q1 2024 International Release

International Unit in Descriptions for Clinical Drugs

'International Unit' as a description is arbitrary and to be understood each product requires reference to a particular bioefficacy specification for that entity. Therefore, 'international' is not meaningful or comparable as a description at Clinical Drug level. International unit will be represented as 'unit' in Clinical Drug descriptions and 20 concepts will have their descriptions changed to 'unit'  Note: abbreviations will not be used. Editorial Guidance has been drafted.

January 2024 International Release

Inactivation of  “RAST” and “RAST test” from subtypes of 104380004 |Allergen specific antibody measurement (procedure)|

Based on a proposal by the Allergies and Hypersensitivities CRG, descriptions containing “RAST” and “RAST test” will be inactivated from the concepts in this sub-hierarchy as they are not considered real synonyms.

Immunoassays for immunoglobulin specific to an allergen of interest are widely used in the diagnosis of allergic disease. These tests are often incorrectly referred to collectively as "radioallergosorbent tests" ("RAST") because they were the earliest immunoassays to be used extensively.

There are a few concepts of type "X mix radioallergosorbent test (procedure)", where RAST is in fact part of FSN. These concepts will be inactivated as they are ambiguous because they do not mention what allergens are being tested for. Replacement concepts, where individual allergens are spelled out, will be created where the information is available.

Q1 2024 International Release
14.Morphologic Abnormality

Inactivation of Congenital Morphologic Abnormality Concepts

37764001 |Congenital abnormal fusion (morphologic abnormality)| and 67798003 |Congenital premature fusion (morphologic abnormality) will be inactivated and replaced by:

  • Abnormal fusion (morphologic abnormality)
  • Premature fusion (morphologic abnormality)

These two new concepts do not specify occurrence which is to be modeled separately.  As a result of this change the two new concepts can be used to model fetal disorders.

This change aligns with the Editorial Guide.

Q1 2024 International Release
15.Clinical Finding

Update for Diabetes Insipidus

Based on a report from October 2022 from the Working Group for Renaming Diabetes Insipidus, concepts using the term “Diabetes insipidus” will be renamed and/or replaced with terms that more appropriately represent the pathophysiology of this condition.  The top-level concept replacing "Diabetes insipidus" will be "Arginine vasopressin-related polyuria" and the specific subtypes will be represented by two renamed conditions: 

  • Arginine Vasopressin Deficiency (AVP-D)” for central etiologies

  • Arginine Vasopressin Resistance (AVP-R)” for nephrogenic etiologies

The legacy descriptions of "Diabetes insipidus", "Central diabetes insipidus" and "Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus" will be retained where appropriate to facilitate retrieval of concepts by their newer names. This affects approximately 18 existing concepts in SNOMED CT.

Q1 2024 International Release

OWL Axiom Expressions for Annotation Properties

The new annotation properties should be represented in the OWL expression axiom refset as follows:

  • The 1295447006 |Annotation attribute (attribute)| is correctly represented as subClassOf
    • 01300ccd-d1d7-417d-a70a-f688e72c4d8c 20231201 1 900000000000012004 733073007 1295447006 SubClassOf(:1295447006 :246061005)
  • However, all subconcepts of 1295447006 |Annotation attribute (attribute)| should be represented as "SubAnnotationPropertyOf", instead of "subClassOf" as they currently are.
    • e6cd65fe-cb81-4db4-9ac4-040dc74fce28 20231201 1 900000000000012004 733073007 1295448001 SubClassOf(:1295448001 :1295447006)
    • 3729ce47-a96e-4dc7-9eff-83c34740c414 20231201 1 900000000000012004 733073007 1295449009 SubClassOf(:1295449009 :1295447006)

They should therefore be changed to:

  • SubAnnotationPropertyOf(:1295448001 :1295447006)
  • SubAnnotationPropertyOf(:1295449009 :1295447006)

However, the authoring tool will then need to be updated to ensure all new subconcepts of 1295447006 |Annotation attribute (attribute)| will be represented as SubAnnotationPropertyOf() in the future.  Numerous other tools will also need to be updated first in order to correctly consume the new format.

There are numerous systems that require updating, and that this will therefore need to be carefully tested and rolled out over the next few months.  As the potential impact was analysed and deemed to be low, the Annotations deployment will still go ahead as planned in the January 2024 International Edition release, whereas these axiom updates will be published in subsequent releases.  Please, therefore, be aware that this issue will persist for the first few International Edition releases of 2024.

Q1 2024 International Release

2024 Published Content Changes With Confirmed Release Date


Project Information and Work in Progress




Planned Release timing

(*this is provisional only and is subject to change)

1.General Information

Browse Content Changes for the International Release

For content changes that are ready for publication in the next release please browse here

Concept Inactivation

For concept inactivations that are for publication in the next release please browse here

MRCM Changes

Forthcoming MRCM changes can be viewed here

Content Request Service (CRS)

For information please see here

2.Project Information

Cancer Synoptic Reporting

Concepts representing cancer synoptic reporting content will be added to the International release starting with the July 2021 release. 

Cancer synoptic reports are used by many member countries to record pathology examination of cancer specimens including the College of American Pathologists (US and Canada), Royal College of Pathology (UK), Royal College of Pathology Australasia (Australia, New Zealand), PALGA (The Netherlands), Swedish Society of Pathology, and others.

This content primarily encompasses observable entity concepts and also includes supporting concepts from other hierarchies, e.g. property values.

For more information about this project, please see the Cancer Synoptic Reporting Clinical Project Group here

2024 International Release and future releases
3.Project Information

Epilepsy Content ILAE Collaboration

Review of << 313287004 |Seizure related finding (finding)| and << 84757009 |Epilepsy (disorder)| (excluding Orphanet related content) for currency and clinical correctness with the addition of missing clinically relevant content. 

Please refer to the project status report for further information.

2024 International Release and future releases

Expected completion by mid 2024

4.Content Improvement

Implementation of the new anatomy concept model

The completion of the revision of hierarchical relationships provides stable anatomy content and improves the quality of classification results in other hierarchies.

Over forthcoming releases, the plan is to implement the new anatomy concept model. There are almost 35,000 anatomy concepts and they will be modeled by different types of 'part of' relationships. The new model will enable us to automatically generate hierarchies to further improve quality and consistency. 

Information about the work completed in previous release for revision of IS_A relationships can be viewed here

2024 International Release and future releases

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