

11.1. How often does a physician have difficulty finding his preferred diagnoses?

This will vary depending on the search functionality of the vendor system. Systems that include all relevant diagnosis concepts and allow searching over any acceptable synonym for these concepts usually have the best match rate.

11.2. When notified by users on difficulty finding the diagnoses, how often are these difficulties indeed real or just a lack of proficiency in the new terminology?

This is unknown to us, as this information would be fed back to individual vendors, or through vendor user groups.

11.3. What are the processes to report difficulties or the need for additional updates?

This is vendor specific. Some vendor products provide a feedback mechanism to suggest additions to a vendor-supported subset. Often this will simply require a new code to be added to the subset. In other cases, a content request may need to be submitted to the NRC or SNOMED International.

11.4. Are physicians exposed to the other terminologies other than SNOMED CT?

This will vary depending on the system. However, clinician only need to see the descriptions, not the specific terminologies or codes used. The details of which terminology is being used is often hidden.

11.5. Are the physicians exposed to all the hierarchies and relations in SNOMED CT or just the actual diagnosis terms?

This will vary depending on the system. Normally clinicians will only see the diagnosis term – however the hierarchies and relationships may be used in searching for the concept or adding default values in other fields (e.g. body location).

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