
The call for papers deadline for SNOMED CT Expo 2016 is quickly approaching, but there is still time to submit! Join the greatest minds in the world in Wellington, NZ on 27-28 October to share your knowledge and experience.

Submit your paper here.


This year's Expo is focusing on practical experience with SNOMED CT. We are looking for proposals for papers or posters that focus on:

Enhancing Clinical Practice with SNOMED CT: Application in clinical settings, clinical research and innovation. This may include such areas as precision medicine, data analytics, decision support etc.    

SNOMED CT Development: Enhancing SNOMED CT as a product in its own right, as well as in conjunction with other international standards, i.e. content development, mappings, description logic etc.

SNOMED CT Solutions: Lessons learnt and benefit realisation achievements from implementers (healthcare organisations, government agencies and the commercial sector).


For more information please see the Expo website:

Or email us:


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