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Content improvement changes have been proposed for <363680008|Radiographic imaging procedure (procedure)| namely concepts with descriptions ‘Radiography of X’ , ‘X-ray of X’ , ‘Plain X-ray of X’.

The aim of this content update will be to improve the quality of content in this hierarchy and specifically to:

1. Implement a consistent description pattern for FSN and preferred term.

2. Implement a consistent value for the method attribute that aligns with the concept FSN.

3. Improve hierarchical subsumption.

4. Inactivate duplicate concepts. 

Please see the attached briefing note for further information. 

Relevant documents

Comments and feedback should be submitted to Maria Braithwaite via or Freshdesk by 3rd August 2023.  

Please note the due date for responses has been extended to 17th August 2023. 


CMAG response

DateCMAG ResponseNext steps

Final outcome: 

Changes are being implemented. Please see informational briefing note for details. 

2023 Early Visibility Release Notifications

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